Chapter 16

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Soft morning sunlight streamed through the floor to ceiling windows and onto the bed where Daniel lay on his back, one arm behind his head an the other arm wrapped around Lucy, who had her head over his heart and an arm stretched over his stomach. Their legs tangled together in the silk sheets. Daniel shifted slightly and opened his eyes, blinking a few times before his vision focused and he looked beside him. He smiled at the familiar head of honey and gold hair over his heart and began running a finger up and down her arm, "Luce?" He sang softly. She stirred slightly and groaned, "Nooo sleeeep."
Daniel laughed and kissed her head, "Wakey wakey sunshine."
Lucy stretched and tilted her head back to look at him tiredly, "What time is it?"
Daniel looked to his alarm clock, "9:08. You don't have work do you?"
"No. Got the next 3 days off." She yawned, curling up to him again. Daniel smiled and wrapped his other arm around her, "I have you all to myself?"
"Yes you do." She smiled up at him.
"Good." He smiled wider, leaning down and pecking her lips softly. Lucy giggled against his lips as he shuffled around and leant over her. He drew back and lay his head on her shoulder, "You ok?"
"A tiny bit sore, but I'm fine." She smiled.
"You really never did that before?" Daniel asked, looking up and resting his chin on her chest.
Lucy blushed slightly and shook her head. Daniel smiled at her and stroked her cheek, "It's ok. Me neither."
"Really?" Lucy blinked in surprise. Daniel nodded, still smiling as she narrowed her eyes playfully, "You sure? You really seemed to know what you were doing."
Daniel laughed, burying his face into his covers over her chest, "I'm pretty sure. Why, am I that good?" He peeked up, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Mmm I wouldn't mind going again." She grinned, biting her lip.
"Purrrrr." Daniel chuckled and kissed her, leaning on his arms over her. The sound of scratching on the door made them stop and look at it. Whining could be heard from the other side and Daniel sighed hanging his head and looking to Lucy from the corner of his eye, "Later?"
"You have me for 3 days baby." Lucy laughed, pecking his lips before pushing him off of her softly. Daniel sat up and climbed out of the silk sheets, stark naked. He went to his closet and pulled on a pair of grey track pants before turning to Lucy who was brushing her hair with her fingers, he smiled, "You hungry?"
"Starving." She smiled back.
"Cool, I'll make some breakfast." He kissed her head before opening the door and instantly getting jumped at by Jax. Lucy laughed as he got licked in the face and tried shoving his snout away, "Would, you, stop?!"
"Jax! Come here boy!" Lucy called, instantly gaining the dog's attention. He abandoned Daniel's face and raced to Lucy, jumping up onto the bed and greeting her excitedly.
"Meet you downstairs in a sec." Daniel laughed before his footsteps faded away. Lucy gave Jax a good ear and belly rub before he decided to follow his master downstairs to get his own breakfast. Lucy stretched and got out of bed, looking at her clothes before a smirk crossed her face. She dropped the quilt and picked one of Daniel's shirts and a pair of dark grey boxer shorts. She had to roll them up to make them fit a bit better before she headed downstairs, excited to see the look on his face. She practically skipped down the staircase and walked to the kitchen, "Mmm something smells good."
"We got a breakfast buffet today my lady. Pancakes, cereal, pumpkin pie, bacon and toast with chocolate sauce, syrup or butter- whoa..." His eyes widened as he looked her over, "You're wearing my underwear?"
Lucy smiled innocently and walked to him, "Maybe."
"Holy crap, can you dress like this more often?" He asked, completely serious. Lucy sniggered and rested her head on his arm, "Why?"
"To be totally honest, it's turning me on."
Lucy giggled and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, "Mission accomplished." She grinned before wrapping her arms around his waist and tracing the tattoo of a ninja star on his side, "What's the ninja star for?"
"Looked cool. And it reminds me of a show me and Dylan used to watch. I think it was called Naruto."
Lucy smiled and looked to his chest, "And I'm guessing this is from Mario Kart?" She smiled, looking at the racing flag. Daniel nodded before showing her his left bicep, a cloud with three banners going across it reading Mom, Dad and Dylan. Lucy smiled, "That's so sweet."
Daniel smiled back and pointed to his back, "Thinking about getting my logo across my shoulders. What do you think?"
"Sounds cool. But also painful." Lucy looked unsure.
"I've had worse. It'll be fine. And it'll look sick." Daniel smiled, his hands on her hips as he kissed her forehead, "Now, what would madam like for breakfast?" He grinned in a horrible French accent.

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