Chapter 5

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Daniel dropped the jump robe by his feet and wondered over to the corner of the ring for his water. He dug through his bag and pulled out his phone just as it buzzed with a message.

L: Can't get off work until 6, sry x

Daniel pouted slightly but replied,

D: It's cool, I can pick u up at 8. Wear something pretty ;)

L: Oh? Where're we going? Xx

D: Can't tell u that sweetheart xxx

L: Meanie >~<

D: I know :P

Daniel laughed softly as he leant back to get comfortable when the door to the ring opened and Max walked in, "Off the phone Danny. You've got a big fight ahead of you in a few weeks."
Daniel sighed and put his phone down, "Yeah yeah I know." He grumbled. Max rested his elbows on the edge of the ring, "It was a girl wasn't it?" He smirked. Daniel felt his face heat up instantly, "H-how did you-"
"You never grumble about boxing man. So..." Max pulled himself up onto the ring, "Who is she?" He smirked wider as he wriggled his eyebrows. Daniel smiled slightly and dropped down beside him, "Her name's Lucy. She's actually the cute blonde that interviewed me the night I was fighting that French Luis guy."
Max's eyebrows shot up, "Wow really? Are you sure dating a journalist is a good idea? I mean, if you guys end badly..."
Daniel shook his head, "She's not the type to do something as bad as dish out something dirty on someone. Even after a bad break up. Trust me."
"Fine. If you say so." Max held his hands up. Daniel stood and grabbed his boxing gloves, jumping down from the ring and walking towards a punching bag hanging in the corner, "I'm gonna have to cut training short. I doubt smelling like leather, dust and sweat will be appealing on a date."
Max sighed and jumped off the ring as well, "Fine. You're making up the time Monday though." He called as he walked to the door. Daniel pouted, "Slave driver." He mumbled.
Max gave him the finger over his shoulder, "Suck a cock Walsh."
Daniel laughed before turning to the punching bag and taking a swing at it with a certain blonde stuck on his brain.

Lucy smiled as she put her phone down just as Melissa strutted back into the room, once again sporting her 'just fucked' hair. She glanced over her shoulder at Lucy, raising an eyebrow at her, "What're you smiling about?"
Lucy shrugged, "Oh nothing. I have a date." She said, waving a hand around in the air.
"Oh? Who's the poor thing that got dragged into going on a date with you?" She sniggered harshly before sitting at her desk, "You're not getting off early if you think I'm gonna let you."
"As you said earlier when I asked nicely." Lucy muttered to quietly for Melissa to hear. She sat back in her chair and sighed, staring at her Mac's screen, 'Wear something pretty? Just where is he taking me later? ' She wondered, fighting to keep her smile from growing. Her phone buzzed again and Lucy felt Melissa's eyes shot to her, glaring. Lucy ignored it and opened the message, biting back a snigger.

D: If thou Slitch is bothering thee, I shall ride in on my steed to save thee!

Before she could reply, he sent another.

D: See? I'm hot and poetic ;)

'Oh my gosh this guy...' Lucy bit down on the inside of her cheek to keep herself from giggling again.

L: That come from ur ego? ;P

D: Ouch. That's cold XD but rlly tho, has she done anything to u?

L: No I'm perfectly fine. I can take care of myself u know lol XD but its sweet u asked xxx

"Ahem. Maybe putting the phone down and getting back to work would stop me from seeing Hodge and complaining." Melissa hissed from her desk. Lucy sighed and tapped in a quick text to Daniel.

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