Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry it's only a short one this week, writers block and I've had the flu for the passed few days that's now turned into tonsillitis. Sorry again!!! The other characters are above too!


Lucy was sat at her desk sorting through notes and typing a few up on her Mac while Melissa was reapplying her makeup, using her own Mac as a mirror. The intercom on Melissa's desk buzzed and she sighed, pressing the answer button, "What Veronica?"
"I need to borrow Lucy out here real quick. Can I steal her for a minute?"
Lucy looked up as Melissa rolled her eyes and shooed her with her hand, "Whatever, go." She mumbled. Lucy nodded and stood, leaving their office and closing the door behind her. She walked briskly down the hall to the floor's reception desk where Veronica was sat talking to the familiar man wearing a black jacket, a grey hoody, dark jeans and converse shoes, standing in front of her. They turned to her as she appeared around the corner and grinned. Lucy grinned and jogged over, "Danny? What are you doing here?" She laughed as he pulled her into his arms.
"I couldn't and didn't want to wait until Friday to see you. So, I thought I'd pay you a surprise visit." He grinned, kissing her hair, "Surprise."
Lucy grinned up at him before hugging him again, "You're too sweet."
Daniel laughed as he let her go, "So do I score points by bringing you these?" He pulled out a small bunch of Marigold flowers from behind his back. Lucy giggled, "Awww, Danny they're beautiful."
He smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and handing her the flowers before guiding her away from the desk to a quiet corner of the reception, "I have some good news." He murmured to her.
Lucy leaned closer to hear, "What is it?" She whispered.
"The hospital called earlier and said they're getting closer to an answer for Dylan's time outside. They said they weren't sure yet but it's looking good."
Lucy grinned and hugged him tight, "That's great!" She poked his chest playfully, "See? I told you everything would work out." Daniel laughed and held her hand, "Yeah yeah. How's work?"
"Boring. What about you? I thought you had training today."
"I do but I wanted to see you first." He wound their fingers together and kissed her hand, "I missed you."
Lucy blushed and giggled, "Its only been a few days."
"Very long days. Besides, it's your fault for being so addictive." He winked. Lucy laughed and poked his chest again, "Flirt."
"Only for you." He grinned, pressing his nose to her hair, "You're adorable when you blush like that."
Lucy grumbled and buried her face into his neck, "No."
"Yes." He smirked down at her, rubbing his cheek on her head, "And you're all mine." He kissed her head. Lucy giggled and looked up, blushing brightly, "You certainly know how to sweet talk a girl huh?"
"I'm speaking the truth here. Your beautiful, adorable, loveable and all mine. No guy here is allowed to check out how hot you look in a tight dress." He wriggled his eyebrows at her as she laughed hard into his shoulder. Daniel looked down to check her out, "By the way, dark purple is my new favourite color." He purred. Lucy blushed a brighter red and smiled behind her flowers, "Maybe I should wear it more often."
"Mm I'd like that." He chuckled before his phone buzzed in his pocket. He sighed and pulled it out, opening the message,


Daniel winced and looked to Lucy, showing her the message, "I should probably go..."
Lucy cringed, "He sounds really mad."
"Well I am 30 minutes late. Then again he'd probably kill me if I was 2 minutes late." He shrugged as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket. They sighed as it buzzed three more times and Daniel kissed Lucy on the cheek, "I gotta go. Call you later?"
She smiled and nodded, "Have fun."
Daniel groaned as he jogged to the door, "Not likely, see ya later sweetcheeks!" He winked. Lucy giggled and blew a kiss to him before he disappeared through the door. Lucy smiled as she turned to go back to her office before Veronica called her, "Omg! Lucy!" She squealed excitedly, "You and Daniel Walsh are an item?"
Lucy blushed and smiled, nodding, "Yeah."
"You guys are so cute! Was he the one who sent you the first bunch of flowers last week?"
Lucy laughed and nodded again, "That's him. He asked me out and forgot to give me his number."
Veronica giggled, "Awww. He's sweet, that's a keeper right there."
"With his sense of humor, he's definitely a keeper."
"Lucy! Would you get back in here?! We're still working y'know." Melissa yelled from the doorway of their office. Lucy and Veronica shared eye rolling looks before they smiled, "Have fun with Queen Melissa." Veronica laughed. Lucy pointed her fingers to her own head like a gun, "I don't wanna go back!" She cried dramatically before waving, "See ya at lunch."
"See ya!"
Lucy walked back to where Melissa was still standing, tapping her foot impatiently. Her eyes zeroed in on the Marigolds Lucy was holding, "More? Ugh this guy's probably softening the blow for when he dumps you." She smirked, flipping her hair over her shoulder and turning back to her desk. Lucy glared at her back, "He'd never do that. He's kind, sweet, funny, caring and a great person. He'd never break someone's heart like you say he's planning to."
"Believe what you want Queen, but it might as well be true."
Lucy glared at her Mac as she sat down at her desk, 'Why are you such a spiteful bitch?' She thought, laying the Marigolds down until she could escape to put them in some water.

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