Chapter 13

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"Hey lil man!" Daniel greeted walking into his brother's room, Carter and Olivia behind him. Dylan grinned at them, "Hey guys. Ouch, Dan... you have a ping pong ball stuck on your face."
Daniel smiled and nudged his brother's arm, "Shut up, it's not that big." He laughed, it was true. He had been constantly putting the Witch hazel on his bruise and now it was barely half the size it was before, 'That stuff really does do good on bruises.'
Olivia sat by her son and stroked his cheek, "Have you eaten anything honey?"
"Yeah, Gabby brought in some bacon and toast earlier. She said she wanted to talk to you guys too."
"About what?" Carter rose an eyebrow but Dylan shrugged. Daniel sat in one of the chairs and sighed, stretching his legs out, "Probably nothing big."
"I sill can't believe it, Gabby is Lucy's Aunt. Could the world be any smaller?" Olivia smiled slightly at Daniel, "Did you tell her that we're thankful for her trying to help?"
"Yeah. She wanted to keep trying but, we don't even have a week." He rubbed his forehead, "I don't think she's fully given up yet, I could see it one her face."
Carter smiled, "Strong willed huh? You two are a match made in heaven."
Daniel laughed slightly at that and fluttered his eyes at him, "I know right?"
Olivia grinned at him before her phone bleeped. She nodded to him, "Bruise."
Daniel sighed and rooted through his bag, grabbing the Witch hazel and cotton. He walked to the mirror across the room and poured some out. Dylan watched, "You have to put that on every day?"
"Two or three times, yeah. Works though, it's no where near as bad as it was." Daniel replied, dabbing the cotton ball over the shrinking bump before taping it there with gauze tape.
"How bad was it?" Dylan asked as Daniel sat back down. Daniel smirked at him and dug through his pocket for his phone, "You really wanna know?"
Dylan sat up and nodded, "Yeah."
"Alright. Here." He turned his phone to him, a photo of his bruise on the screen.
Dylan cringed at the sight of it, "Holy crap!" 
"I know right? One right hook did that."
"Yeah, I saw that. How does someone hit that hard?"
Daniel smiled and put his phone away, "You'd be surprised how hard some people can hit, especially in the boxing business."
"Why on earth did you take a picture of it?" Olivia frowned, cringing slightly.
"Because... reasons. And 'cause I can." Daniel shrugged.
Dylan laughed and sat up further, "What was L.A like?"
"Warm. Noisy, kinda like New York but with more attractions and more celebrities."
"Did you see any?" Dylan asked.
"I think I saw Scarlett Johanson but I don't know, it was kinda far away and I only saw the back of her head." Daniel shrugged. Dylan stared at him, "Coooool, Black Widow was there?"
"I told you kiddo I'm not sure." Daniel laughed.
"So? It could've been her. It would've crazy if all the Avengers were there to." Dylan squished his cheeks together, "That would be the best."
Olivia and Carter smiled while Daniel nodded, "Ok, that would be pretty cool."
"It wouldn't just be pretty cool. It would be amazing!!! C'mon people, it's the Avengers for crying out loud. The best team of superheroes ever!"
Daniel held his hands up, "Ok, sorry. All hail Dylan and his knowledge." He teased, bowing. Dylan puffed his chest out proudly, smirking. Daniel smiled before he remembered something and searched through his bag again, "Almost forgot, I got you a little souvenir. You just reminded me." He pulled out a plushy Groot, "It was in a comic book store I was passing. Saw it in the window, and well, I know how much you like your Marvel so... Groot plushy." He smiled, handing it to Dylan. He grinned back, "He's awesome. Thanks Danny." He held his arm out and Daniel leant over, giving him a hug, "No problem dude." He smiled as he let his little brother go. He sat back down, "I totally forgot to give Lucy her's."
"You got her a cuddly Groot too?" Carter laughed. Daniel shook his head, grinning before going through his bag and pulling out a box, "No. It was in the same store but it's not Groot." He opened it and pulled out a necklace and turned it to them, "Boom."
"Cool, the Deathly Hallows sign!" Dylan smiled.
Daniel nodded and put it back into the box carefully, "Yup. Think she'll like it?"
"If she's as big of a fan of Harry Potter as you say she is, yeah." Dylan nodded. Daniel grinned before they all turned at the sound of a knock, "Hi, am I interrupting?" Gabby smiled.
"No, not at all." Olivia smiled back, "What's up?"
Gabby stepped into the room, she was holding something, a file. She grinned at them, "It's cutting it a bit close but, here." She handed the file to Carter. He opened it and read over it, his expression slowly turning into surprise. Olivia frowned at her husband, "What is it?"
Carter looked up to Gabby, "You're serious?"
Gabby nodded, "Yeah." She looked to Dylan, "They approved for you to leave the hospital for a day."
Olivia's hands flew to her mouth before she hugged Carter tightly, sobbing happily. Daniel breathed a laugh, running his hands over his hair and looking to Dylan who was grinning from ear to ear, "Really?"
Gabby nodded, giggling, "Really. You guys can have Thanksgiving at home, not in a hospital."
"What happened? What changed their minds?" Daniel asked, still grinning.
"Oh, they got a call from a certain someone at New York Times who wouldn't hang up or stop calling unless they listened. Kept to their word, every time they would hang up, call after call after call." Gabby smiled at Daniel, "Ran up quiet a bill for her boss."
"Luce..." Daniel grinned before looking back at his family.
Olivia and Carter smiled at him, "Go on."
"Go get her." Dylan nodded. Daniel grinned at them all before grabbing his keys and bolting to the door, but not without giving Gabby a hug, "Thank you."
Gabby patted his back, "You shouldn't be thanking me."
Daniel smiled as he let her go and ran down the hall, "I'll back later!" He yelled. Olivia and Carter laughed before Olivia hugged Dylan tightly, kissing his head, "We won baby."
Dylan hugged her back, smiling, "Yeah." He grinned up at his dad as he joined them. Dylan looked over to Gabby just as she was about to leave, "Gabby!"
She looked back, "Yeah?"
"You're coming too right? To dinner with us? I know they probably want a nurse with me and you are Lucy's Aunt."
Olivia turned to Gabby, "He's right, you should join us. Please?"
Gabby looked at them all in surprise, "Umm, are you sure?"
"Positive." Carter smiled.
Gabby sighed and smiled back, "Thank you. That would be lovely."
Olivia grinned and hugged her tightly, "Thank you, for everything you did."
Gabby hugged her back, "You're welcome."

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