Chapter 10

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Lucy walked down the hallway, heart pounding, heels clicking, ponytail swaying and papers clutched in her hands. She gulped down her nerves. Hodge's door stood in front of her like the imposing gate of a haunted place where if you were to enter, you would never come out. She began shaking and looked down at her story, 'It's not good enough. Not nearly good enough for him to accept! What am I thinking? Like I'd ever make it in the first place. I'm so stupid. Melissa's right, I'm not worth anything in this line of work.' She thought, tears beginning to burn in her eyes. Just as she was about to turn and run, she felt hands grab her shoulders, "Oh no you don't honey." Veronica said sternly, pushing her closer to the door, "You got this!"
Lucy looked over her shoulder to see it wasn't just Veronica. Jackson was there, as well as Paul and Laurel from editing, Garret from printing and Sam from photography were standing behind her, grinning. Lucy stared at them in shock, "Guys?"
They gave her the thumbs up before Veronica pushed her to the door again,"Go on. Show Queen-bee Melissa who's the real Queen around here. Get it? Cuz' you're name's Lucy Queen?" She looked to the others,"No? Ok."
Lucy smiled slightly, before turning to the door and reaching forward, knocking softly on the door.
"Come in." Hodge's muffled voice called. Lucy puffed out her cheeks and opened the door, flashing Hodge a polite smile, "Good morning sir."
"Ah, Miss Queen. Your trail run finished?" He asked, looking up from his desk. Lucy nodded and handed the papers to him, "Proof-read 5 times."
"Thank you Lucy, that will be all for now. I'll let you know what I think when I get the chance to look at it later." He gestured to a pile of paperwork beside him. Lucy nodded in understanding before turning to leave, "Thank you sir." She called before closing the door and leaning against it, letting out a large sigh of relief, her knees almost giving away under her. Jackson and Laurel grabbed her arms before she could fall and smiled at her, "You did great!" Laurel reassured her, sorting Lucy's hair back in place, "Everyone loved your article."
As soon as she finished it, Riley, Daniel, Veronica, Jackson, Paul, Laurel, Garret and Sam had all insisted she emailed the article to them so they could read it. All of their feedback was positive, giving her the confidence boost she needed before it disappeared when she stood in front of Hodge's door.
Jackson patted her back, "Breathe Lu, breathe." He reminded. Lucy took a deep breath, leaning against the wall. Her face almost as white as the paint behind her. Veronica passed her a bottle of water, "You ok Luce? You look like you're about to have a heart attack."
Lucy didn't reply and just took a shaky sip of water. Sam knelt in front of her and smiled comfortingly, "He'll love it Lulu, calm down. I'll bet 100 bucks he'll think it's the best article ever and promote you straight to the top."
This made Lucy scoff and shake her head, "No way. It's terrible."
Her colleagues relaxed when she spoke and Jackson nudged her, "Stop doubting yourself or I'll hang you upside down from my shoulders while skipping around the office."
This time, Lucy smiled and pushed away a few loose strands of hair from her eyes before looking up and sighing, "That was terrifying."
"Really? I thought you handled it pretty good for your first try at an article." Laurel smiled comfortingly, hugging her shoulders, "Besides, you've been getting more confident since you started dating a boxer." She hinted, wriggling her eyebrow at Lucy. She looked at their knowing faces in surprise before turning to a guilty looking Veronica, "You told everyone?"
"Not everyone. Only our friends." She gestured to the group and Lucy sighed before Jackson and Sam appeared by her sides, "Do you think you could get him to sign something for us?" Sam asked.
Veronica rose her eyebrows, "I never knew you guys were boxing fans."
"Hell yeah we are. And Walsh is right up there with the legends! I mean, did you see his jabs in his last fight?" Jackson rubbed his arm, "They looked so painful."
"I was there dude, I know." Lucy laughed, walking down the hall towards the reception, her friends beside her. Veronica looped her arms with Lucy and Laurel's, "Have you two even kissed yet?"
Lucy's face instantly reacted and turned bright red, "Why are you asking things like that?!"
"So you have?" Paul asked, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. Garret and Sam wolf whistled, Veronica and Laurel squealed and hugged Lucy, and Jackson smirked, "I hear wedding bells." He teased. Lucy blushed brighter and shoved him, barely even moving his larger frame, "Shut up!" She yelped, her face burning as she covered it in embarrassment.
"How was it?" Laurel giggled.
Lucy mumbled incoherent words behind her hands and Veronica pouted, "Aw c'mon, we want the juicy news. I swear only the six of us will know."
"It was good." Came her even more embarrassed reply.
"Just good?" Garret nudged her, trying to get her to lift her head. Lucy groaned and buried her head further into her hands, "It was amazing, there you happy?!" She yelled behind her palms. Her friends smiled and looked forward, "Very." They nodded. Lucy sighed heavily and uncovered her still red face, "I hate you guys."
"We love you too." Paul laughed, patting her head.

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