Chapter 14

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A/N: Lucy's outfit above! Enjoy!

Lucy brushed her fingers through her hair, sitting in front of her dresser. Riley clapped the eyeshadow shut, "I still think you should wear something more classy. You're meeting his family."
Lucy smiled and looked at her reflection, gold eyeshadow, black eyeliner and soft pink lipgloss, "I look fine Ri, I don't wanna go over dressed." She jumped up and turned around, "So?"
Riley hummed and stared at her friend's golden sweater and ripped jeans in thought before fishing around Lucy's closet and tossing her a pair of black heeled ankle boots, "Try these."
Lucy slipped them on and Riley clapped, "Perfect!"
Lucy grinned before turning back to her dresser and opening a box. She lifted a necklace carefully in her hands and put it around her neck, the small bird charm resting on the collar of her sweater. Riley smiled sadly, "Oh yeah, it's you're first Thanksgiving without her."
Lucy nodded and sighed, fiddling with the bird, "Yeah." She looked to Riley, "What do you think Mom would've thought about Danny?"
Riley tapped her chin, "Hmm... I think she'd approve." She grinned, hugging Lucy as the doorbell rang. Riley let her go and grinned, "Go get 'em tiger."
Lucy grinned back and grabbed her thick black coat, pulling it on as she walked down the stairs to the door. She opened it and flipped her hair over one shoulder.
"Hey Hot stuff." Daniel grinned, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her to him for a kiss. Lucy giggled against his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck. She ducked back and grinned, "Well hello to you too Handsome."
Daniel chuckled, nuzzling her neck, "Ready to go?"
Lucy nodded, smiling against his head and Daniel nipped her neck softly before standing straight and winking at her, "Good. Everyone's back at my place."
"Have fun you guys. I'm off to Mom and Dad's." Riley smiled, grabbing her coat, bag and hugging Lucy. She fist bumped Daniel, "Have her back before 10 mister."
"Not a chance Red." Daniel grinned, wrapping an arm around the giggling Lucy. Riley rolled her eyes and waved to them, getting in her car, "Bye!!!"
"Bye! Say hi to your parents for me!" Lucy called as she and Daniel waved back. Lucy turned back to the house, grabbed her bag and a large shopping bag before turning the lights out and closing the door, locking it, "Ok, let's go."
Daniel rose his eyebrow at the bag, "What're those?"
"I got everyone a small gift. It's not a lot but I didn't want to show up empty handed. I made some my Grandma's cupcakes too." She smiled sweetly, "Pumpkin pie themed, but they taste better than they sound, promise."
Daniel smiled back at her, "You didn't have too."
"No, but I wanted too." Lucy replied, grabbing his hand, "Let's go. It's getting cold."
Daniel smirked at her as she pulled him down the path to his car, "Want me to warm you up?" He purred by her ear. Lucy giggled and leant her head back, kissing his jaw, "Maybe later." She purred back, winking at him. Daniel felt his face heat up, 'Holy shit.' He wrapped his arm around her and kissed the back of her head, "You're so hot."
Lucy laughed and nudged him softly, "Get in the car Danny."
"Yes dear." He said in high voice, kissing her cheek and unlocking the car doors. Lucy carefully placed her bag of gifts and cakes on the back seat before sitting in the front next to Daniel. Just as she clicked her seatbelt, he started the car and rested a hand on her leg, "You're teasing me you know. Showing that much leg."
Lucy looked down at her legs worriedly, "Really? Should I change?"
"Are you kidding me? No, my family isn't gonna judge you on a pair of ripped jeans Luce, I was just kidding around." He chuckled, before leaning over and nipping her lower lip, "But you do look seriously hot in them." He whispered, earning a bright blush in reply. Lucy pouted and folded her arms sulkily, "Just drive, Kiss-up."
Daniel sniggered and sat back in his seat, and reversing out of his spot.

"Alright. You ready?" Daniel killed the engine and looked over to Lucy. She sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Yeah... maybe... no." She groaned and hung her head. Daniel chuckled softly and shuffled closer to her, grabbing her hand, "Hey, if it helps, I'm pretty nervous too."
"Really?" Lucy glanced at him. Daniel nodded and looked to his home, the lights on, music could be heard as well as the soft hum of chatter from inside. Shadows moved across the large window as he squeezed her hand tighter. "Yeah. You're the first girl I've ever brought to meet them... more accurately, you're my first girlfriend."
Lucy stared at him in shock, "Seriously?"
"Yeah, any others were back in grade school and never serious. The most action I got was a high five." He smiled, holding his hand up. Lucy smiled back, high fiving him before winding her fingers through his his and leant over to peck his lips with her own, "So I'm your first kiss too?"
"You're my first too."
"Wouldn't have it any other way." He grinned, pulling her back to him for another kiss. Lucy grinned and nodded against his lips, "Agreed."
Daniel hummed before pulling back and unbuckling Lucy's seatbelt, "Come on, they'll kill me for making them wait."
Lucy smiled and got out of the car, grabbing her bag from the back before following him to the door, hands locked. Daniel opened the door and held it open for her, "Remember what I said, guard your cheeks from Memaw." He whispered. Lucy giggled behind her hand as she shrugged her coat off, hanging it beside Daniel's just as Jax came bounding down the stairs to greet them, hovering around Lucy.
"Danny? It that you honey?" A voice called from up the stairs leading to the large living room.
"Yeah Mom!" Daniel called back before turning to Lucy as she fiddled with her necklace. He kissed her forehead, "Let's do this."
Lucy nodded and picked her bag up again, only for Daniel to lift it from her fingers, "I'll take that, c'mon." He grinned, grabbing her hand and jogging up the stairs, Jax following them closely. Lucy squeezed his hand, grinning at his excitable attitude.
"Ok... everyone, this is Lucy. Lucy this is my mom, dad, brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins yada yada yada."
Lucy smiled shyly and waved, "Hi."
"Oh my gosh!!! Hi!" Olivia squealed, running over and hugging Lucy tightly, "It's so good to finally meet you!"
Lucy hugged her back, "It's great to meet you too." She laughed softly. Olivia let her go before holding her shoulders, "Come meet everyone." She grinned widely, grabbing her hands and pulling her to the rest of Daniel's family, smiling widely at her. Daniel grinned as he watched his family hug Lucy tightly in greeting, talking animatedly to her.
"Not bad man." His younger cousin, Leo, leant against the wall beside him. Daniel looked down at the sandy haired and green eyed teen, "What d'you mean by that?"
"First girlfriend. She's hot, nice job." Leo tapped Daniel's arm before nodding to the bag, "What's that?"
"Lucy made some cupcakes and brought gifts over for everyone." He smiled at his blonde beauty as she knelt down in front of a wheelchair, with Dylan sitting in it and beaming at her, the brightest smile he had ever seen on his brother's face for a long time. Daniel slapped Leo's shoulder, "I'm gonna put these in a kitchen, try not to a weirdo."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Leo yelled after him.
"Means don't touch the booze until later." Daniel called back with a smirked before he disappeared into the crowd of relatives.

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