Chapter 6

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In a secluded Domino's Pizza restaurant, Daniel smiled at Lucy sitting opposite him in the booth, "It's a lot better somewhere casual right?"
Lucy smiled guiltily, "I'm sorry I made you waste $160."
"Hey, you didn't make me. 1; I offered, and 2; It's my fault for flaunting my money around and scaring you."
Lucy rolled her eyes, smiling slightly, "You didn't scare me. I was just a little uncomfortable."
"A little uncomfortable? You looked like a deer caught in headlights."
Lucy narrowed her eyes playfully at him and flicked her straw wrapper at him, earning a laugh in return.
"Alright, large pepperoni with a side of garlic bread. Enjoy." The waitress smiled and walked away, giving Lucy a thumbs up and an impressed nod. Lucy smiled back at her before turning back to Daniel.
"So, who was the red at your place?" He asked, picking up a slice of pizza.
Lucy did the same, "Riley. We've been roommates since our first year of college. She was majoring in engineering though while I was doing my journalism training."
"Ohhh. She always that hyped?"
Lucy laughed and shook her head, "Sometimes. She was a little bit too excited earlier because this is the first actual date I've ever been on."
"Well, second if you count our coffee." Daniel pointed out before taking a bite from his pizza. Lucy sniggered as he pulled the slice away with the cheese stretching with it. He looked up to her and crossed his eyes at her while munching on the cheese.
"You're so weird." She giggled, shaking her head slightly, "In an adorable way though."
"I'm adorable?" Daniel smirked before smiling innocently and batting his eyes at her. Lucy poked his foot with her toes, "Oh, very." She laughed before taking a bite of her own slice.
Daniel grinned before shuffling closer to the table, "I don't know about you, but I think this is way more fun than that restaurant for sliver spooned asses."
Lucy smiled guiltily once again, "Sorry."
Daniel smiled and reached across the table to rest his hand on hers, "Hey, come on. It's not your fault. Besides, that place was pretty boring anyway. I mean, did you hear the music they were playing?" He let his head drop to the side and began snoring earning a laugh from Lucy. She rose an eyebrow at him, "You looked like you enjoyed your exit though." She giggled, "I loved the heel click. Aced it."
"Why thank you. I practice until I get it perfect."
Lucy scoffed behind her cup and Daniel smirked, "What, you don't believe me?" He leapt up and jumped in the air, clicking his heels together before landing, "See?" He grinned before repeating the action, making Lucy laugh harder as he continuously did his heel click around the almost empty restaurant. He fell back on her side of the booth and stretched an arm across the back of the seats, out of breath, "It's not as easy as it looks after a while."
Lucy laughed softly and slid his soda to him. Daniel took a long slurp from his soda before turning to her, "Feeling better now?"
Lucy laughed softly and smiled sweetly up at him, "Much. Thanks for tonight, you're a lot of fun to be around."
Daniel blushed and smiled back, "Glad you like being around me." He winked. Lucy giggled and sipped some of her own soda.
"So, tell me more about you, I feel like I still don't know a lot about you."
Lucy nodded and shuffled around to face him, "Ok, what do you wanna know?"
"What part of Arizona did you grow up in?"
"Maricopa. I still keep in touch with a few friends there."
"Cool. I think I went to Maricopa once... maybe?" Daniel thought hard, "I think I did. For a boxing match."
"You must've travelled a lot."
Daniel nodded, "Been all around the states. My next fight's actually in L.A Cali. In a few weeks."
Lucy smiled at him, "Cool, I might catch it and cheer you on."
Daniel rose an eyebrow and laughed, "You a fan now?"
"Hey, I saw your fight the night we met, that fake out you pulled off was definitely unexpected. But if you really wanna get him on his ass quicker, you have to twist your body more into your jabs and uppercuts, puts a hell of a lot more power into your swing." She advised.
Daniel stared at her in surprise, "You know you're stuff. I didn't know you were interested in boxing."
Lucy paled and quickly shook her head, "Oh no, not really. I just watched a lot with my dad when I was little. Picked up a few things from it I guess." She smiled sadly.
Daniel saw this and slapped his forehead, "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset."
Lucy shook her head again softly and smiled, "It's fine. It doesn't hurt as much to talk about it. They've been gone for years now."
Daniel nodded and decided to tred lightly, "What were they like?"
"Mom was sweet, beautiful, kind, everything a great mom should be. She was my rock, I could talk to her about anything. Dad was funny, overprotective, crazy and his cooking was the worst." She laughed. Daniel smiled and listened closely as she continued, "They used to take me to the park every weekend. Dad would push me on the swings and Mom would be on the one next to me. I remember one time we brought a Frisbee." She began smiling wider and laughing slightly, "Mom threw it to Dad and it hit him on the nose."
Daniel winced, "Ooooh ouch!" He cringed, holding his own nose.
Lucy laughed and nodded, "Yeah, he got a nose bleed from it but he was fine."
Daniel laughed and sat back, "Wow. What about pets?"
"We had a golden retriever called Honey. She was my baby. But we had to put her down just before I started college. She had a brain tuma."
"The vets couldn't do anything to help?"
"No, she said it had already spread to somewhere where it was too dangerous to operate, Mom and I just decided it would be better for her if we just set her free from it."
Daniel wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry. That really sucks."
Lucy nodded before sighing and sitting up again, "What about you? How's your family?"
"Good. Dylan's been pretty energetic the passed few days and Mom's sleeping a bit better. Dad's still working his ass off, won't let anyone tell him any different."
"How's the petition to let Dylan outside going?"
"Good, we think. Dylan's been doing his fair share of sweetening up the docs. They said they'll think about it but can't promise anything."
"Hey, that's something right? I bet he'll be able to come and see you win the championship."
Daniel smiled at Lucy, "Maybe you could come and meet him one day."
"Really?" Lucy grinned.
Daniel nodded, "Yeah. He'll like you."
Lucy grinned wider and nodded, "I'd be honoured to."

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