Chapter 18

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Daniel leant against a punching bag hanging from the ceiling, waiting. He looked down to his boxing gloves and a smaller, borrowed pair beside them, "Come on Luce!"
"Ugh..." a sigh sounded from around the corner and Lucy walked out of the hallway leading to the locker rooms. She blushed and crossed her arms over herself as he turned to her and let is jaw drop down, "Damn! Dress like this more often, please? I'm actually begging you." He murmured as he stared at her. She was wearing tight yoga pants and a grey and black sports bra. Lucy blushed brighter, "If you're mocking me because I forgot to put a shirt in my bag..."
"No. No seriously." Daniel shook his head before walking to her and wrapping his arms around her, "You look hot as hell. I have never been more happy that you're irritation made you forget an item of clothing." He leant down and planted a long kiss on her lips, "I'm the only one who can see you like this." He purred. Lucy's face heated further as she avoided his eyes, embarrassed, "Shut up."
"Why are you getting so flustered? I've seen you wearing less baby. Much less." He winked, squeezing her butt once before turning to the small pair of boxing gloves, "Now, hold your hands out."
"Why did you bring me here?" Lucy asked as she did as he asked, pulling the gloves on. Daniel smiled and planted another kiss on her forehead this time, "Because, my girl has some anger to get out and I'm here to help." He grinned wider when he guided her to stand with her feet slightly apart and her gloved fists raised, "How is punching my boyfriend going to help my problems with the slitch?" She deadpanned, lowering them slightly.
Daniel laughed softly as he pulled on a pair of flat punching mitts, waving his hands at her, "You won't be punching me per se, just these. Focus mitts, good for sharpening a boxer's strikes."
"I know what they are." She sighed, unenthusiastically lifting her fists again and softly punching the left one. Daniel looked at her as if the say, really? Before sighing, "C'mon Lu, put at least a little effort into it. C'moooooon for me?" He tired to fluttered his eyes at her, only getting a giggle in return, "Please stop. You look like you're on something."
"Then throw a real punch. Don't be shy now darlin', I do this for a living, I can take it."
Lucy grumbled softly before hitting the left mitt again, slightly harder.
She did it again.
"You can do better than that."
She shot him a short glare before punching his padded hand again. Daniel watched her for a moment before he put one mitt on his hip and jutted it out, talking in a squeaky voice, "Oh look at me, I'm Melissa, I like to fuck in janitor's closets and give head to my boss! Bleh blah bleeeh."
Lucy stared at him for a moment, her lips firmly pressed together as she tried to stop her shoulders from shaking, and a smile from appearing. Daniel smirked slightly and held a hand up, "Hold on, I've got something better." He walked over the ring and slipped one mitt off, picked up a piece of paper and stuck it onto the other mitt, "Now this, has to make you wanna punch properly." He turned back to her, slipping the mitt on again and facing his palm to her.
"What the... is that what you printed at my place earlier?!" She sniggered. On his mitt, was a photo of Melissa. Daniel nodded, smiling proudly, "Yup. My girl was angry, so I googled the face of her problems for her punch." He waved the mitt teasingly, "C'mooooon, you know you wanna." He sang, "Look at that face. Unguarded, so hittable..."
Lucy smiled slightly and sighed, "Ok fine." She took her stance again and Daniel grinned at her, holding both hands up for her, "Alright, hit her with your best shot Gorgeous." He winked. Lucy stared at the photo for a moment before her fist went full swing and smacked right into the middle of Melissa's printed face. A loud echoed boom bounced off the walls and Daniel stared at Lucy in shock and admiration, "Holy shit... you can punch!"
Lucy blushed and shrugged, looking around, "Yeah well, Dad taught me some good defence tips."
Daniel grinned again, "Not gonna lie, I'm slightly turned on right now. That's one hell of a hit you've got there." He ditched the mitt without the photo and wrapped his now free hand around her hip, "That actually hurt my hand a little..." He murmured, impressed as he looked down at his mitt, "You ripped the paper!" He laughed. Lucy's eyes shot to the photo, "I what?!"
Daniel pointed to the rip at the top of the paper and Lucy laughed softly, "Oops?"
Daniel shook off the mitt and wrapped both arms around her, holding her chin up with his fingers, "That's my girl." He purred before catching her lips with his. Lucy smiled against the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck, taking a step closer to him as he ran one hand up the exposed skin of her back while the other snuck down to her ass. He squeezed her tight for a moment before leaning back, "Feel better?"
Lucy nodded, resting her head on his shoulder, "A little."
"Yaaay." Daniel cheered softly, rubbing his cheek on her hair and swaying them softly, "Wanna have another go?"
Lucy hummed as she lifted her head to lean on her chin, "Maybe... do you have anymore photos for me to hit?"
"I do indeed Sweetcheeks." Daniel winked, "All are piled up on the ring and ready for your fists of fury my darlin'." He kissed her forehead and Lucy blushed, smiling, "Thank you sweetie."

A few hours later, Lucy was sitting with her back to Daniel's chest, using the ring as a backrest. He leant down and kissed her shoulder softly, "All punched out Pumpkin?"
Lucy nodded, letting out a long sigh and resting her head back onto his chest, "Yeah. Thank you." She smiled sweetly up at him, "Didn't think punching pictures was such a nice stress reliever."
"Real thing's better but hey, take what we can get." He shrugged, smiling back. Lucy let out a small laugh, closing her eyes and snuggling closer, "Don't tempt me. I might not hold back when I next see her."
"And I won't blame you.... as long as I can watch."
Lucy giggled slightly and lifted her head, raising an eyebrow, "Why?"
"Are you kidding? I felt your punches today. I ain't gonna miss seeing my girl using those on a slitch. I'll be cheering for you from the sidelines."
Lucy grinned, sitting up enough to catch his lips with hers, "Aw."
Daniel winked with a smirk before nudging her softly, "So.... Wanna hit the showers?"
Lucy rose an eyebrow with a smirk of her own, "Maybe." She giggled, wiggling out of his arms to stand and walk towards the corridor. Daniel tilted his head slightly before calling out to her, "But seriously though, you're smoking hot in that outfit."
Lucy rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder, "Are you gonna keep staring at my ass or come join me?"
Daniel got to his feet and jogged after her to try and catch up, "Dumb question honey. Hey slow down would ya?!" He began running after her as she sprinted around the corner, her giggled echoing off of the walls. Daniel grinned as he ran after her, the laughter getting quieter and quieter, "C'mooooon, slow down Pumpkin!" He laughed breathlessly, picking up speed and practically skidding around a corner before he spotted her standing still, staring at something on the wall. He caught up to her and frowned slightly, "What?" He looked at the wall and saw the poster she was staring at. It was the advertisement poster for Eli Queen's last fight, "Oh yeah. You're a fan right?"
Lucy didn't reply but Daniel continued, smiling at the poster, "I know I've probably said this before, but he was an actual legend. Total asskicker. And his last fight? Damn. I wasn't allowed to watch it 'til the end because of the incident, I mean I was a kid. Still kinda sad though, sucks he died like that."
"Yeah. Sucks..." Lucy murmured, trying to keep her voice steady.
"He had a kid too. Was there with his wife when it happened. Ran out onto the ring before anyone could stop them and sat there trying to wake him up."
"A daughter. And yeah. She was." Lucy nodded, her eyes glossing over slightly, "She saw the whole thing."
Daniel looked over at her and frowned, "Luce? What's wrong?" He reached for her hand as he saw a tear spill from her eye. She lowered her head and sniffled, "If I tell you something... would you promise not to get mad or offended?"
Daniel pulled her closer to him and placed both hands on her cheeks to hold her face, "Nothing you can say can make me mad or offended. What's going on babe?"
"That child who ran onto the ring... it was me." She whispered, "I'm his daughter. I saw the whole thing... I saw my...." She began crying harder and Daniel crushed her in a tight hug, burying his face into her hair.

A/N: ooook I'm gonna leave that there. Thanks for reading! Hope you liked this chapter and I hope to see u again in the next! Now I must go and continue wishing I had a life! Byeeeeee

P.S: I'm now on Instagram! Go take a look at my profile @whisper_a_wish (Rachel Stedman) have a good weekend!

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