Chapter 11

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A/N: Sorry guys, just a short one this week, not a lot to do for this chappie. Sorry again.

The next Friday, Lucy was walking down the sidewalk, holding a pink and white umbrella over her head, wearing a pair of light washed out jeans and her red coat. She was humming softly to herself before her destination came into view and she smiled, picking up speed. She pushed the door of the café open and stepped in, shaking her umbrella out and turning to spot a familiar face. A woman with greying blonde waved her over and she smiled back, walking over, "Hey Aunt Gabby."
Gabby stood and hugged her niece tightly, "Hi honey! How've you been?"
"Good, what about you?" Lucy asked, letting her go and sitting across from her. Gabby sat as well and smiled, "Busy, the hospital wants me to start working night shifts soon." She then sat forward with a smirk, "But I'd much rather hear about you." She began waving a copy of the NY Times, "I wake up this morning with no word about how I would see my Lucy's name with an article on the front page!" She tapped Lucy's arm with the paper playfully, "Thanks for telling me."
Lucy giggled, "I was going to tell you but I wanted it to be a surprise. What did you think?"
"I loved it, got a lot more out of your article than the actual news."
"Lucy Queen writing the truth." She saluted her aunt jokingly before shrugging off her coat. Gabby laughed softly before nodding to the kitchen doors, "I already ordered our usuals, they should be done soon, and in the meantime, tell me about this boyfriend of yours." She wriggled her eyebrows, "Details young lady."
Lucy laughed again, blushing dark red, "He's amazing. Sweet, funny, kind, warm, open, we can tell each other anything already and we've only know each other for barely a month."
"Awe! What's his name?"
"You actually know him, Daniel Walsh?"
Gabby's eyes widened, "You mean Dylan Walsh's older brother? The boxer?"
Lucy nodded, "That's him."
"Oh wow, that's so weird! It really is a a small world huh? How'd you meet?"
"I was actually at a fight of his with Melissa, she was covering a story for it and brought me with her. But she ended up disappearing with his manager and I got landed with the interview." She began smiling wider, "I went to the locker rooms where his manager told me to go and ran into him walking around in a towel. I ended up screaming at him to put some clothes on." She was laughing now, "Oh gosh, looking back at it, I can't stop laughing."
Gabby was giggling to herself, "Must've been a sight."
Lucy blushed bright red again and glared at her playfully, still laughing, "Shut up."
Gabby poked her tongue out at her niece before looking behind her, "Lunch's here."
Lucy smiled at the waiter as he placed two sandwiches in front of them and coffee, "Thank you." She said as he walked away. She then turned back to Gabby and stirred her coffee, "So... how's work?"
"I thought I answered that already." Gabby rose an eyebrow at her niece's innocent look.
"Oh, really? I forgot, remind me?" Lucy smiled sweetly. Gabby shook her head, narrowed her eyes and put her own mug down, "Spill the beans Lucy Joyce Queen."
Lucy sighed and also put her coffee down, "Fine. Is Michelle still seeing one of your superiors?"
"Mitchy? Well, yeah why?"
"Well, I was hoping you'd get her to convince him about letting Dylan have a day outside with his family."
"Ah yes. He's family's been petitioning that for a while now. The higher ups don't want to risk anything going wrong so they've been holding it off, watching how his health is going."
"And how is it going?" Lucy sat forward slightly.
Gabby smiled, "Good. He's been doing really well, but they're still not sure." She sighed, "I could try and get Mitchy to do it but I can't guarantee it'll work."
"It would be a big help if you talked to Mitchy about it. Please?"
"Alright, now stop pulling the puppy eyes and eat your sandwich." Gabby rolled her eyes, smiling. Lucy grinned and her and saluted, "Yes ma'am."

Over in L.A, Daniel fell back against the wall, wiping his face off with a towel and panting, "How'd I do?" He looked up to Max standing over him. He nodded looking at his timer, "Good. New record."
Daniel whooped half heartedly, weakly punching the air. Max chuckled softly and tossed him a water bottle, "Let's call it a day, yeah? You head on back to the hotel and I'll handle everything here."
Daniel nodded and allowed Max to help him to his feet, "You da man Max." He smiled, patting his shoulder before heading to his bag, untaping his hands. The first thing he did when he got to his bag, was find his phone and check it. He went to the website he had kept open in hopes of seeing what he was waiting to see for a while. He refreshed the page and to his surprise, there it was. The article he had read for Lucy only a few days ago. He grinned when he saw her name with it, 'Written by Lucy Queen.' He did a little dance, "That's my girl!" He grinned even wider, 'So that's her second name. Weird... maybe she is related to Eli Queen... or it's just a coincidence, I mean there's lots of people with the name Queen.' He shook it off, he shouldn't be thinking about that now, he needed to call her and tell her he was proud of her. He grabbed his bag and jacket waving over his shoulder, "See ya back at the hotel!"
"Yep!" Max called back. Daniel jogged out into the open air and puffed out his cheeks before turning to his car. He hopped in and started up the engine, and the A.C.

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