Chapter 9

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Daniel whistled as he opened his front door, greeted by the sound of paws tapping on the floor as Jax ran to him. Daniel dropped his gym bag and petted his dog, "Hey buddy, miss me?" He grinned, earning a kiss. He chuckled and rubbed the hyper dog's ears before standing and picking his bag up again, sweeping his sweaty hair from his eyes. He closed the door with his foot and walked up the stairs to his couch before dropping down and fishing for his phone. Jax jumped up beside him and circled around before laying down beside him, watching him with sad looking eyes. (Why must dogs always look so sad?! DX) Daniel smiled to see he had a message from Lucy.

L <3: Hey, wanna hang out after next weekend? Ri's visiting her parents so its just u and me xxx

D: Luv 2, wat do u wanna do? Xxx

L <3: Gonna make u watch all the HP movies XP xxx

D: Savage XD can't wait, I'll get popcorn? Xxx

L <3: Mmm yes plz xxx can't wait either ^.^

D: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 xxxxxxxxxx

L <3: XD ur so cute <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

D: Ur cuter xxx now get back 2 doin that article. I wanna c my girl's name in the NYT ;)

L <3: Yes sir *salute* <3 xx cya

D: <3 <3 <3 good luck bby xxx

Daniel smiled at the screen, wondering how she was doing. He imagined her sitting in her room slaving over her notes just as she was yesterday night. He sighed softly, looking over to Jax, who was still staring at him. He rose an eyebrow, "What?"
Jax wined, moving his head forward and licking his own nose.
"I don't speak dog." Daniel shook his head before rubbed Jax's, "I'll take you to see her soon." He smiled as Jax looked to his phone, his tail wagging. Daniel stood and stretched before rubbing his head, he needed a shower. He grabbed his bag, kicking it through to the kitchen before jogging up the stairs to the bathroom. He peeled off his sweat soaked clothes and sighed in relief when the warm water splashed down onto him. Scrubbing at his hair, he thought. He had the rest of his Saturday to himself. Lucy was busy, his friends were working as well as his parents. He looked up and smiled slightly, 'I'll pay Dylan a visit. Maybe taking a few video games for us to play.' With that thought, he smiled wider, nodding to himself and hurrying to get there quicker.

Daniel speed parked and killed the engine, jumping out and grabbing his backpack. He locked his car and ran towards the entrance of Lennox Hill, side stepping passed a woman walking out with an elderly man in a wheelchair. He smiled at them politely as he passed before waving to the receptionist. It was an elderly woman this time, from Ireland, "Hey Agnus!"
"Hello dear." She smiled back, her thick Irish accent making it slightly difficult for Daniel to hear her. He ran on autopilot towards his brother's room again and knocked softly on the door. No answer. He opened it slightly and smiled, he was sound asleep. Daniel stepped into the room quietly and gently closed the door behind him. He sat in the chair beside Dylan's sleeping figure and watched over him. He was paler than usual today, and looked more exhausted. Daniel sighed and shuffled forward, holding his brother's smaller and fragile hand in his own, he was probably having one of the bad days. Daniel stared at Dylan's relaxed face sadly, he never got used to seeing his brother like this. Pale, sick, hooked up to a bunch of scary looking machines just to keep him breathing. He squeezed his little brother's hand softly, remembering how alive he was before his cancer appeared.

A 17 year old Daniel walked through the front door of his house, "Home!" He called out, slipping his backpack off of his shoulder. He heard footsteps running towards him and looked up just in time to see a 6 year old Dylan launch himself at him, "Hi Danny!!!"
Daniel grinned and crouched down to his level, hugging him tightly, "Hey lil man, how was school?"
Dylan let his brother go and immediately started jumping on the spot non-stop, "Amazing! I got into the soccer team!"
Daniel gasped and squished his own cheeks together, "What? No way! Oh dude you're becoming a pro!" He grinned, ruffling Dylan's scruffy brown hair.
"Yes he is. How was your day sweetie? I got an email today saying your report cards were in." Olivia appeared from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel. Daniel paled slightly, "Um no, no I didn't hear anything. You probably got the wrong email."
Olivia rose an eyebrow at her oldest son, "Oh? So you wouldn't mind if I looked in your bag?"
Daniel immediately hid his bag behind his back as he stood, backing up to the staircase as his mother advanced on him, "I urr, I have porn in there." He yelled before bolting up the stairs to his room. Dylan watched him go before turning to Olivia, "Mommy, what's porn?"
"Something you don't need to worry about honey." Olivia smiled before looking back up the staircase and sighing.
A few minutes later, Daniel heard a knock on his door and walked to it silently, leaning himself against it, "Yeah?"
"Danny, it's me. I snuck up some cookies from the kitchen." Dylan's voice whispered. Daniel turned and opened the door, fist bumping Dylan, "You the man. Come on."
Dylan tiptoed into his big brother's pigsty of a room and jumped onto the unmade bed, grabbing a blanket, "Mommy's making pizza for dinner."
Daniel sat beside him and leant up on a pillow, "Cool. Wanna play a game?" He asked, holding up a gaming controller. Dylan nodded and Daniel picked out a game he knew his brother knew how to play, Mario Kart.(Nostalgia!) Dylan took a controller from Daniel and sat back, "Why did you look scared of Mommy a while ago?"
"Because my grades aren't so hot. And Mom will kill me if she saw that report card." Daniel sighed, picking Dry Bones as his avatar. Dylan chose Toad and looked up at him, "Is it because of your ADHD?"
"How'd you know that?" Daniel looked down at him in surprise.
"A boy in my class has it too, he never concentrates in class and fails a lot so I help him." Dylan said, shoving a cookie in his mouth. Daniel ruffled his hair again, "You're a smart kid, y'know that?"
"Yeah." He grinned back before pointing to a track, "The jungle one!"
Daniel smiled as he turned back to the screen, selecting his brother's favourite level.

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