Chapter 21

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A/N: Important note at the end, please read! Xx

Lucy glanced at her phone anxiously as it lay there on her desk, silent and still. It had been just over a week since Dylan had passed, and Daniel had been acting strange. He had stopped going to training as much, spent most of his time at home and barely spoke to anyone, even her. In fact, she hadn't seen or heard from him for over a week, despite her attempts of calling and texting him. Lucy chewed her lip, 'I don't think my anxiety levels can take much more...' Her eyes went to her computer screen, but fought to look back at her damn phone. Groaning softly, she grabbed it and stuffed into her desk draw, 'Out of sight, out of mind. Out of sight, out of mind. Out of sight, out of mind!' She chanted like a prayer.
"If you could keep your PMS levels to the low over there, that'd be great." Came a familiar snide voice. Lucy narrowed her eyes and peaked over her screen to Melissa, who was, of course, fixing her hair and makeup after her latest mission. She looked up from her mirror when Lucy shot up and grabbed her coat.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Lunch." Lucy replied shortly, slamming the door behind her.

About an hour later, Lucy pulled up outside Daniel's house and leapt from the car, barely even remembering to lock it. She knocked on the door and waited.
She knocked again, this time harder.
Still nothing.
Chewing her lip she thought of where he could be. Just then, she heard Jax's barking somewhere behind the house and it clicked. Of course! Shaking her head at her own stupidity, Lucy headed for the back of the house towards her goal, the tree house. Jogging up the ramp she found Jax pawing at the door, whining. His ears pricked up at the sound of Lucy's footsteps and he turned, barking softly before looking back at the door. Lucy patted his head, "Sit Jax. Good boy." She rubbed his ear again as he sat and stared at the door, still whining softly. Lucy sucked in a deep breath and pulled the handle down, opening the door. It swung open slowly and there he was. Sitting in the furthest corner of the treehouse, surround by empty bottles and holding Dylan's custom gloves in his hands.
"Baby?" Lucy took a cautious step forward but he didn't even look up. In fact it seemed like he didn't even know she was there. His eyes were glassy and misted over and there was a much thicker amount of hair growing around his face. His usually soft brown hair was matted and slightly greasy and the smell of alcohol filled her nose. She reframed from pinching her nose and instead left the door open to let some air inside, "Danny? It's me." She spoke softly again. He flinched as she knelt in front of him. He looked up and she felt her heart break. He looked so hollow and lost. Reaching out, she cupped his cheek on her hand, "Aw babe." She bit back tears and pulled him over to her, cradling his head to her shoulder, "How long have you been in here?"
"I don't know." Came a slurred reply. She screwed her eyes shut and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, "Can you stand? You need to eat something."
He nodded slowly and she helped him to his feet, accidentally kicking a few bottles over as she stumbled under his weight. They slowly made their way back to the house, neither saying a word. Lucy leant him against the wall as she searched for the spare key under the mat. Opening the door, she helped him up the stairs into the much warmer living room. Jax trotted up the stairs behind them and pressed his nose into his owner's freezing hand, licking his fingers. Daniel looked down at his dog numbly and petted his muzzle, "I'm sorry buddy."
Lucy lead him to the second flight of stairs, helping him up into the bathroom. She sat him on the toilet and pushed some hair from his eyes, "Why didn't you call? Your parents are going insane with worry you know. And Max has been coming by work every morning looking for you. I've been worried sick about you." She rested her head to his and felt his temperature, "You're freezing."
He didn't reply, just stared at her with empty eyes. She swallowed the growing lump in her throat and knelt in front of him, untying his shoes and slipping them off with his socks, "Help me out hun. You need to warm yourself up."
He slowly help her peel off the wet, sticky dirty shit and jeans he was wearing before she turned away and started the water up in the shower, "Can you handle it?"
Without speaking he stood clumsily and staggered to the shower, dodging her hands attempting to help steady him. She felt a sting in her chest at his actions but backed up and let him continue on his own. Gathering his clothes, she left them in the hamper and went back downstairs to feed the hungry Jax and prepare something for Daniel before he came back.
Jax practically attacked the food in his bowl, finishing it within a few minutes and licking it clean. Lucy looked at him sadly before making another bowl for him. 10 minutes later, a shaven, fresher smelling Daniel appeared and heading to the kitchen where Lucy still stood, serving up a huge plate of eggs and bacon. She slid it over to him along with the salt and pepper before taking a seat beside him. He ate in silence, never looking up from the food. Lucy watched him for a moment and broke, "Baby please say something." She whispered weakly.
"Like what?" He mumbled back.
"Anything! Please?"
He fell silent again and Lucy sighed, "You don't call anyone, you worry your family, you sit out in a freezing cold tree house for god knows how long! I know your hurting but you can't starve yourself and Jax! Dylan would be so upset if he saw you like this."
Daniel slammed a hand on the counter, almost knocking the plate, "HE ISN'T HERE!"
Lucy flinched back, fighting the tears back again. Daniel fell silent again and threw the fork down, pushing himself up and walking to the fridge. He pulled out another bottle and Lucy stood, "Danny I think you've had enough."
"Shut up."
She stepped back, wounded, "What?"
"I said shut up. Stop barging to things that don't concern you." He snapped, twisting the lid off with a hiss and chugging. She swallowed nervously, "Daniel please. Put the bottle down and eat. You need something to soak the beer up."
"I need to be left alone. Fuck, take a fucking hint Lucy. I'd call if I wanted anyone around. Clearly I don't. So leave."
"You're drunk Danny, you don't mean that."
"Yeah I do. Leave me alone. It's not your problem if I don't call anyone back."
"My mom felt the same way after my dad. It's not healthy baby, don't push people you love away. Your mom and dad really need you right now."
He swallowed another mouthful of beer and groaned, looking over to her, eyes cloudy, "Do you ever shut up? What you think 'cuz daddy dearest is gone you can play therapist with me?"
Lucy's eyes filled as he turned to her, "So. For the last time, go. Away."
He pushed the plate, salt and pepper to the floor, smashing the glass, ceramic and food all over the floor. She jumped back, but not quick enough for a sharp piece to drag itself down her shin. She covered her mouth to muffle the sob that escaped her.
"LEAVE!" He screamed at her. With that, she had spun on her heel and sprinted for the stairs. Just as she left the front door, Carter's car pulled up and he leapt out just time time to catch her, "Lucy?! What's wrong?" He called to her as she ran to her car. He saw tears streaming down her face as she climbed in, not hearing him call out again before reversing out of the driveway. Carter watched her car disappear before he turned to his son's house and bolted up the stairs. He found him sitting at the kitchen island, throwing the empty bottle to the floor with the rest of the smashed objects.
"Daniel what the fuck?" Carter gasped, looking around. The place was a total mess! He turned at the sound of paws coming towards him, even Jax looked skinner. Carter knelt down to the dog and petted him softly while watching his son's back, "What the hell Dan? You're mom's at home calling every damn number she has on her phone to try and find you. She came by yesterday and you weren't here! Where the hell have you been?"
"Treehouse." He muttered.
"How long for huh? Because Jax looks like he hasn't been fed for a week. And what the fuck's all this?" He gestured to the shattered shards everywhere, shooing Jax away from them.
"Luce pissed me off."
"I just saw her run out here in tears. What was that all about?" He stepped around the mess carefully, making his way to the island.
"She butted in. Telling me all this bull about it not being healthy not talking to people. I just want to be left alone is that so hard for people to get? Even you! Jesus H Fuck people just let me be. That's why I've been hiding out in the freaking treehouse."
"Ok first off, sober the fuck up and don't talk like that to me boy. Second, I get you're point, but at the same time your mother's at home, grieving just as much as you. She needs the only son she has left. If anything you're making it harder on her by shutting everyone out."
"Jesus you sound like Lucy."
"Becuase I love and care about you. She does too. Even with this drunk state you're in, she still came here and made you food. Bet she fed Jax too, and what, you threw this at her?"
He didn't respond. Carter felt anger rise up, "For fuck sake Daniel, get a hold of yourself. Aren't you supposed to be training for the semi finals? You promised your brother you'd make it to the finals. Just because he's not here, doesn't he won't know if you let him down. I bet he's real fucking ashamed right now, seeing his brother like this. Idolising you all these years just for you to let him down like this?"
"What's it matter? He won't get to see me make it to the championships so what's the fucking point? He was the only damn reason I tried. I've got nothing left."
"Your mom and I not enough? Lucy? The whole damn family? You keep pushing all of us away you'll loose everyone one by one like great uncle Clint. You've probably blown it with Lucy considering how broken the girl looked when she basically ran for her life. She came to help you. To try and get you back on your feet. She doesn't deserve having a plate thrown her way." He took a deep breath, "We're all hurting. I know you were close to Dylan but right now, you need to see your mom. We all need each other right now. So stop making your situation worse, sober up and get your ass in gear." With that, he stood and walked to the fridge. He pulled the door opened and cleared out the rest of the bottles. Daniel leapt up to stop him only for Carter to push him back enough so he could tip it all down the drain. Ignoring his son's argument, he then grabbed Jax's leash and clipped it to the dog's collar.
"The hell you think you're doing?" Daniel stepped forward to take Jax's leash but again, was held back.
"I'm taking Jax with me so he won't get starved again. He comes back when you decided to straighten yourself out. He shot his son a stern look, "And you better do it quick."
Daniel watched his father turn and leave with his dog, the door slamming shut behind him. Now left on his own, he looked down at the broken plate and splattered food. Food that Lucy had made for him. He sank down to the floor and sat in silence, looking around him. His eyes went back to the plate and Lucy's teary face flashed in the back of his head. He lowered his head to his knees and let out a shaky breath as tears of his own dropped down to the floor.

A/N: Hello strangers XD I'm so sorry I've been away for so long and just kind of left this story. A lot has happened over the last year. I went through an ugly breakup but finished art college, I got put on a team with the Prince's Trust for 3 months, recently got engaged to a wonderful guy I actually met on the Trust and a job! It's been crazy XD I'll try and be around as much as I was before but I can't promise much with work and an upcoming wedding 😅 still, I am really sorry about leaving you hanging for nearly a year. Writers block and distractions are down to the minimum for now so, here is the long awaited chapter XD hope you all enjoyed it even though it was still a bit depressing. I've missed this so much! Have a lovely day guys, see you soon! <3

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