Chapter 2

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I itched a bump on my arm and started to bleed really bad. 

"Donnie" I said looking at him for a answer. 

"Get back underground" said Donnie. 

We all ran back into the sewers. Once the sun was gone the itching stopped. 

"Let's head back to my lab, I want to run some test" said Donnie. 

We walked back to the lair. April and Casey were there. 

"What happened to Leo" asked April. 

I was now bleeding threw all the bumps. 

"We don't know" said Raph. 

"What if he's allergic to the sun" said Mikey doing his scared pose. 

"That's not real. No one can be allergic to the sun" said Casey. 

Mikey turned to Daron angrily. 

"YOU SAID IT WAS A THING" he yelled pointing at Daron. 

"It is. It's called photosensitivity. I looked it up" Daron said crossing his arms. 

"He's right but how would Leo get it" said Donnie. 

"Maybe he was bitten by a vampire" said Mikey with the scared pose. 

Raph, Donnie, and I face palmed. 

"Vampires aren't real Mikey" said April. 

"Besides if they were don't you think it would be on the news" said Daron. 

"Unless they are good at hiding" said Raph. 

Donnie and I went to the lab.

~time skip~


"What you doing" I asked. 

"Nothing really" said Daron. 

I looked at his computer screen. He stopped typing and looked at me. 

"Uh" said Daron. 

I got a idea. I ran to donnie's lab and poked my head in. 

"Hey D, can I borrow the laptop" I asked. 

"Go ahead" said Donnie. 

He was typing on his computer and Leo was asleep in the corner. I took the laptop and turned it on. I started looking up vampires. I found some movies and got my headphones. I started watching twilight. I learned a lot about vampires and what they eat. What if Leo really is a vampire? It was now night. I went into D's lab. Leo was now waking up. We ordered pizza. When it was finally here we started eating. 


I noticed Leo wasn't eating. He hasn't eaten all day and it's pizza. Our favorite food. 

"Leo can you eat" I asked. 

Every one stopped and stared at Leo. 

"Ya, I'm just....not hungry" said Leo. 

Somethings up I can feel it. We kept eating. Leo just stared at the slice of pizza in front of him. If he doesn't eat it Mikey will. After dinner Leo left the lair for some reason. He said he needed some alone time. 

"I'm gonna follow Leo and make sure he doesn't get hurt" I told Mikey and Donnie. 

They nodded. I shadowed Leo for a hour. A person came out of a building and Leo hid in a alley. The person walked by him with out even knowing Leo was there. I saw Leo's eyes turn red. He ran out to attack the human and I jumped down and stopped him. I hid in the alley with Leo. I was covering his mouth. He calmed down a little. Once the person was gone I let go of Leo. 

"Raph, I said to stay in the lair" said Leo. 

His eyes were back to blue. 

"If I wasn't here you would of attacked that man. What were you thinking" I asked. 

Leo froze. 

"Whatever, just don't tell  Mikey and Donnie about this" Leo said. 

We walked back to the lair silently. Leo was being really quiet. Too quiet. I couldn't even hear him walking. I turned and Leo was gone. 


I ran looking for him.

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