Chapter 10

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"She's my partner" I said.

Talking about all this very hard for me.

"You mean she kidnapped me" said Mikey.

"Our mission was to just patrol. When she saw you guys I tried to stop her but she kidnapped Mikey and I was the figure that Donnie saw. My partner told me to poison Mikey but instead I used a poison that would make him look dead but give him a few hours to become a vampire. *takes glasses off and rubs eyes* I understand if you hate me" I said.

They all hugged me. I hugged back and smiled.

"So can you quit" asked Leo.

"I'm not sure, they're always talking about how they could easily replace me with a vampire hunter born teen, but it's the only reason Shredder hasn't kidnapped me again" I said.

"Do you know why Shredder kidnapped you" said Donnie.

"No, all he ever told me was that my father and uncle want to destroy the krang. So it's mostly just holding me hostage so they can't attack the krang or I'll be killed" I said in the story telling voice I do.

"But you told us the shredder let you go and leave the foot clan" said Donnie.

"He did, but I still have to report everyday for vampire hunting and stuff. The fact that he needs me alive is the only reason he let's us hang out" I said.

"You still shouldn't work for him" said Mikey.

"I don't really have much of a choice. I can try to leave but I can't promise anything. However I have to go to one if the cult meetings quick" I said annoyed.

We said goodbye. I stood up and left. I got my badge and weapon from my house. My weapon was a katana. I walked to the vampire hunter headquarters. I entered and bowed in front of the leader.

"Savanah, I'm surprised you would come at such a late hour" he said.

"God you're still transphobic I see" I said.

The two guards pointed guns at me.

"No, we need her alive. Besides, I want to see how long he will pretend to fail" my boss said.

"Pretend, ugh, I feel like klunk every day with this tiredness, headaches, and nausea all the damn time. But no you can't handle dropping the ging because his father can kill the krang" I said crossing my arms angrily.

"Don't speak about what you don't understand. You species is a threat to us" said my boss.

"Species, WE ARE THE SAME SPECIES. AND DON'T LUMP ALL HUMANS INTO ONE GROUP. Have you seen the flat earthers and anti vaxxers? Or do I just spend too much time on the internet" I said.

"ENOUGH" shredder yelled.

He entered the room.

"We don't need him" said Shredder.

"Good, so can I quit" I said.

"No" said Shredder.

I groaned loudly and annoyed.

"Watch your tone with me. After the krang destroy the turtles I will kill you" said Shredder.

"You know the only thing that scares me is how in denial you are" I said.

Shredder and I stared at each other.

"Guards, take him to the labs" said Shredder.

"WHAT" I yelled.

Guards came and started taking me to the labs.

"MUTATION, HOW FUCKING ORIGINAL BITCH" I yelled as I was pulled away.


I got a text message from Daron. It was a location.

"What is that" asked Leo.

"Daron sent me some coridantes. He must need our help" I said.

I type in the numbers on Google maps. Shredders lair. We got what we need and left.

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