Prologue + Chapter one

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  • Dedicated to One Direction Boys

Hi everyone!!

So this is a story that i've been writing for quite a while now, and my friend has persuaded me to put it up on Wattpad!! I hope you like it! :) xx


Dear Harry,                                                                                        Wednesday 4th January 

It had really been just another ordinary morning.

Looking back to it, its amazing how one person can influence you and how you live to such an extent. Even if everything might've ended in quite a horrible mess of loss and... pain; you were still worth it. Words can't describe how much i've experienced, dreamed... loved.

I remember walking up the steps of the bus that cold morning. My hair tied up in a messy blonde knot, the bright red scarf tied around my neck.... But what I remember the most is seeing you for the first time. I'll never forget it, Harry, no matter how long I live for. Those bright, piercing green eyes, framed by a set of dark eyelashes along with those thick chocolate ringlets that drooped over your eyes. 

I had quickly forced myself to look away, not realising that we had been making eye contact for so long. Its what they do, those eyes... your eyes. They make me loose track of time. Of life. 

I'd glanced around looking for an empty spot; the only one was next to you. I had walked towards you. As I sat down, you looked over to me and pulled the soft corners of your lips into a warm smile.

You were leaning against the window, those thick curls dancing with the motion of the vehicle, your eyes staring outside the window to what was going to be your new school. 


Chapter 1. 

The bell rang loudly for the first class of the year. 

“Hey, Ellie, meet at the canteen for lunch?” A boy with a thin face and flat hair all pulled to the side, wearing a blue and white striped shirt with braces* leaned against the locker next to mine.

“Sure, Louis! Oh, you’re not wearing socks again? Lou!” I grinned snatching some books from my locker.

“Well, you know, I only have one pair and I don’t like wearing them!” He whined dramatically, looking down from his dark red trousers rolled up to the middle of his shin to those sockless feet covered with a pair of navy blue TOMS. I couldn't help but laugh.

“Oh, Lou...” I said, rolling my eyes.

“That’s why you love meeee” He grinned. “Oh, and by the way,” His smile shrunk a bit. “Have you seen the new guy? The one with the funny curly hair?”

“Oh yeah” The thought of this morning made me feel embarrassed. Then Louis said, “He’s in my P.E class- He seems nice, like, we talked briefly. But people are kinda staying away from him-”

“Oh, I’ll keep it in mind then.”

“Keep what in mind?”

“To be nice and say hello to him” I pulled a smile. 

Louis suddenly looked like he regretted saying it. “Oh, sure, I guess. If you want to. Yeah. Cool.”

“Well, I gotta run” I shot Louis finger guns, grinning. “See you Later, Lou!” And I hurried to my first class. Not looking to where I was going, I was suddenly  jerked backwards as someone with dark curly hair ran into me. 

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