Chapter twelve

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So here’s the next chapter, the end bit is written in 3rd person. Tell me what point of View you prefer Enjoyyyyy

Leo xx

Ellie’s POV

Why was Louis standing so far away from me? Did I look that hideous? I patted the area on my bed, and his pale blue eyes lit up as he moved towards me. He was now standing right in front of me, and I had a perfect view of the slight stubble on his chin and his peculiar nose I’ve always found adorable. I felt a rush of warmth towards the boy in stripes. He hesitated for a second, but then bent down for a hug, making me feel a rush of relief. Perhaps he wasn't mad anymore. The thought made a deep sigh escape my mouth.

"Feel better, alright?" his voice rung in my ear, his cool breath on my cheek, making a shiver slowly trickle down my spine. He then pulled apart and looked at me uncomfortably in the eyes. "And... I'm sorry for earlier on... I shouldn't have..." his eyes drifted towards Harry who was watching him intently. 

I cut him off and put a trembling finger to his thin lips. "Don't worry about it Lou." My voice slurred a bit, and I knew why. The doctor had told me. My eyelids were closed from the exhaustion, and every particle under my skin trembling. But right now I honestly didn’t care because my two favourite boys in the world were right in front of me and that was all the truly mattered. 

Something suddenly rung, and I saw Harry instinctively pull out a Nokia mobile phone out of his pocket. He became stiff when he looked at he screen, his expression stone hard, but then gave a quick nod to Louis.

"I'll be back soon, I have to take this. Look after her, ok?"

Louis smiled, and Harry looked at me. 

"Whatever happens Elle, you have to know that I love you more than anything I’ve ever loved anything before." he rushed up to me, and brushed his soft and warm lips against mine while a ringlet of soft brown hair fell on my nose. My world stopped has his firm lips curved more passionately. But that wasn’t enough; I wanted him closer, more of him. Getting the message, Harry slid his tongue across the inside of my lips, tilting my head up for a better angle; my heart began beating faster. I don't know how he does it. He then pulled away slightly reluctantly, looked at me with an empty pool of greeny blue eyes and walked out the door, leaving me with an empty feeling. 

Louis also watched that mop of curls leave, but then the door shut, leaving the two of us alone. He turned to look at me and worry suddenly filled his eyes.

“Stop being so concerned about me, Lou" I tried saying with a smile. My throat felt numb and tight. It was hard producing words now. 

He pulled up the corners of his lips and bent down closer to me, tucking in a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I can't help it; I told you already, you make me worry, Ellie" he sighed. After a moment of pure silence, I looked over to him and smiled.

"Sing to me, Louis."

What I said made him widen his eyes out of surprise.


I nodded slightly.

"But, i'm not that good. And anyway, Harry’s much better, I’ve heard him. Ask him to sing to you."

"You’re both amazing"

"you’re just saying that"

"no, I truly mean it. Please?" He looked down at me and didn’t say anything for a second. But then, he took a deep breath and a pure note escaped his lips, and I knew the song straight away. Look after you by the Fray, his favourite band.

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