Chapter nine

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Hello everyone!!

-Before anything, the video on the side has nothing to do with the story, I just find it extremely adorable :)

Okay, so I hope you enjoy reading this chapter!! Unlike every single other chapter in my story, this is totally Louis's point of view :) I'm trying to upload quickly but like for example I just had a test a few minutes ago which i probably failed (I guessed half my answers.... its Indian studies who cares!!) (and, yup, wattpad in school, Leo) so yeah ENJOY :D 

I love youuuu with all ur comments <3 <3



She just didn't understand, did she? 

"Do you honestly think that everythings just going to get better now? Do you just expect me to be like, oh why don't we become best friends again!?" i said in a bitter tone while rolling my eyes dramatically, but meanwhile trying to avoid her gaze. It made me feel too guilty to look into those sad big, brown eyes. I threw a rock from my small collection forcefully in the water. Perharps then she'll realise how angry i am.

"Louis... Please? Just give me a chance. This is killing me-" she pleaded softly with a croaky voice. Why is she making this so god damn hard for me?

It was impossible for me to hold the truth in anymore;

"Ellie, this has happened before. I tried forgetting about it the first time, but now-" 

I heard the ground crumble and heard my bitter tone cut off, and as I looked towards where she was sitting... She wasn't there anymore. Instead, i heard a loud splash as she collapsed onto the thin layer of ice, screaming. 

"ELLIE!" my voice rang loudly throughout the park as I threw off my shoes. Before even thinking, I dived in. As the icy water made contact with my skin, my body automatically attempted to shut down. All the pores in my skin was piercing in pain as I swam throught he glacial water. No, Louis, I thought. Keep on swimming. Every particle of my skin was now numb, i couldn't feel a thing. My head throbbed violently, and i was on the verge of passing out- that is before i felt something soft and very cold- skin. grabbing it, I put wrapped my arm around Ellie's waist. I needed to reach the surface. Now. I was in desperate need to take a breath- 20 more seconds and we're both dead. 

Using up all very limited amount of energy my body had left, i kicked my feet swimming towards the surface, pulling Ellie up with me. Man, I hope she was alright. I couldn't ever afford to loose her. Never. And with one more kick, i managed to rise up, swollowing a lungful of bitter cold air. Harry Styles was inches from me, about to help Ellie and I up; his face was full of panic and fear as he crouched down trying to pull us out. 

"I don't need your help" i tried stammering, but it came out as a pathetic croaky whimper. Harry shook his head.

"Come on, Louis. We don't have the time for this, we need to get Elle out now!" his words raced sounding frustrated and full of exasperation. We managed pulling her out, her body flopping onto the hard soil. Now that all the weight wasn't pushing me down deeper into the water, i attempted to pull my body on the land, but my energy levels were down to zero now. harry reached out his hand.

"COME ON LOUIS, TAKE IT" he shouted desperatly, his curls all matted on his wet forehead from sweat or water, i didn't know. His face was flustered red too. To be honest, he looked like crap right now. 

"no..." my eyes were shut tightly together as I tried shaking my head. I could do this myself. I didn't need his help- I tried pulling myself up one more time, but my body wouldn't respond. I was sinking deeper into the frozen water, while Harry stretched his arms closer to reach me. But I did need is help. I just wasn't going to take it.

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