Chapter seven

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Hi everyonee!!

OMG I am soooo happy that in like 3 days my story went from 70 views to about 250!!! thats so surreal thanks so much to everyone, but i'd just like to specifically dedicate this chapter to vampire_freak43 :) She was the first person to tell me to continue this story :D 

Well, I hope you enjoy the chapter and sorry for the wait-

The Video on the side is Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran- Listen to the lyrics (supperrr adorable!) I find that it fits the story perfectly <3 <3

"Gemma?! What the fuck are you doing, you told me you'd be at your boyfriend's house!" harry growled, his teeth clenched together. I'd never seen him so furious before.

The pretty girl in front of me rolled her blue eyes, biting her bottom lip. "Ex-boyfriend would be the appropriate term." she said the emphasising 'ex'.

Harry's stone hard expression suddenly softened. His eyebrows creased. "Oh bloody hell, Gemma, tell me what happened-" he didn't even finish his sentence before she ran up to her big brother and hugged him tightly, sobbing. Harry looked over to me, worry plastered on his face and pointed a finger indicating he'd be one second. He whispered something in her ear, and she responded with a small nod. Harry then took went up to me to take my hand, but just before she walked away, Harry said,

"And her name's Elle, by the way." he looked at me smiling. Gemma spun her head my way and gave me a small smile. I could see the resemblence between her and Harry when you looked at those tiny dimples.

"Hi, Elle" her voice was merely a whisper, and she shut the door of her room. Harry let out a heavy sigh as we stood, hands entwined. Then Harry let go, walking into the kitchen, both hands covering his face in fustration.

I couldn't help myself;

"um, Harry? What happened" i sounded uncertain. Hearing the tension in my voice, Harry looked over to me giving me a sad smile.

"I think... I might know, but i'm not too sure. Like, her boyfriend probably dumped her, it's how she reacts every time it happens, which probably explains the drastic mood swings. Sorry about that by the way. She's usually really quite sweet."

"it's ok" i smiled and went up to hug him, pressing my head on his chest.

"let's get dressed, i know somewhere we can go" he whispered in my ear, making it tickle. 


We had ended up by going to the park close by since it was a suprisingly sunny day- obviously you'd still get the occasional cold wind, but other wise it was hard to tell that it was Autumn. I didn't know if Harry knew or not, but this was where i always went to sort out my problems and get away from everything thats happening- most of the time Louis would come with me, and we'd just talked about random stuff. It was nice. 

I walked along side Harry hand in hand, with his other hand carrying a picnic basket containing little sandwhiches, juice and left over pancakes. Harry had also brought his guitar which slung over his back. as soon as i had saw it, it made me love Harry even more (if that were even possible); i absolutely loved guitars and even though i only knew very few chords, the sound of it made me feel peaceful for some reason I was never quite sure of. 

We sat on the cool grass at the foot of a thick tree trunk and set up the picnic blanket. Harry took out his guitar and leaned back on the tree trunk. I scooted next to him and rested my heavy head on his shoulder.

He then started to play, and as soon as i heard it, I knew it could be no other song but Kiss me, By Ed Sheeran. I closed my eyes as Harry begun playing the chords of one of my favourite tunes.

"Settle down with me, cover me up, Cuddle me in," Harry had unexpectidely started to sing. My body tensed with suprise as I heard his sweet voice hit every note in perfect tune. Of course! I remember now him telling me that used to sing to let go of his worries! I had just never imagined him to be so amazing at it. I smiled up at him, looking into those deep blue and green eyes, seeing my reflection in his pupil. He smiled at me seeing my expression and ran his fingers through my hair, causing my body relax again. 

"Lie down with me, And hold me in your arms

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed in my neck, 

And with a feeling i'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me Like you wanna be loved, You wanna be loved, you wanna be loved,

This feels like falling in love, falling in love, falling in love

We're falling in love"

Harry hadn't finished singing his beautiful song before I leaned across to kiss his neck purely out of temptation. Getting distracted, he put the guitar aside, using his hands to wrap around my hips while our lips finally touched, our noses rubbing softly together. We slowly kissed, lips curving around each other's. 

"I love you Elle" Harry mumbled through more small kisses.

I put my arms around his neck and smiled. "I love-" My voice was suddenly cut off as I saw a familiar pair of bright pink rolled up trousers 20 metres away where the pond was. The figure was facing away from us, throwing rocks into the water with one arm and his other arm dug into the pocket of a purple Jack Wills jumper. 

"Elle, are you ok?" Harry asked, pressing his lips togethet quizzically. There was anxiety in his eyes as he saw me.

"Um- yeah. It's- it's ok." my voice trembled ever so slightly. No, i challenged myself. It can't be him, it just can't. why would louis come here today, right now? i could only be thankful or at least hopeful that he hasn't seen us.

"Elle...?" Harry said in a questioning tone. "tell me, i know there's something wrong. You do realise i can read you like an open book," Harry chuckled pulling his lips all to one side in a smile. I sighed out of anguish. Harry had to know. I looked into his eyes sadly and pointed at louis. Harry tensed his eyebrows questioningly and turned his head back so he could see him. But it was too late. I saw the pain in Louis's eyes even though we were at quite a distace away while we both looked at him, probably looking absolutely stupid. Louis chucked a big grey rock across the icy pond with force causing large ripples to appear. Harry sighed, turning his head back so the were away from his sight behind the tree trunk.

"This can't be good..."

Well no shit, Sherlock. This wasn't good at all.

I looked at Harry seeking for something... Advice, perharps? But Harry gave me none. 

"What do we do?" my voice croaked. Harry kissed the top of my forehead.

"Don't worry about it, Elle. You're only inflicting the pain on yourself." Harry replied gently.

"But... But... I can't just leave him here! Look at him! He's... He's..." i struggled searching for the right word. "devastated! ...broken. He's my best friend, Harry."

Harry nodded as if he understood and hugged me tightly.

"I'm proud of you" he whispered in my ear, making it tickle again. My body instantly relaxed as if he were some sort of drug that made you uncontrollably high (in a good way, of course). So I said my feelings out loud and talked so confidently about wanting to speak to Louis, but what now? Was i just going to waltz up to him, and apologize? And say sorry For what? Being in love? This was all just confusing for me. I buried my head in my hands, sighing dramatically. 

"You ok?" Harry asked worridely.

"I just don't know what to do." i whined, mumbling in my hands. 

"I'm not a hundred percent positive this will work, but I have an idea." Harry suddenly stated. 

I twisted my head up, looking at him.

"What is it?"

Harry smiled mischeviously.

So here's chapter 7 and i'm sorry its a bit short!! xxxxxx

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