Chapter fifteen

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Finally chapter 15! So sorry about the wait, i just moved countries so internet was not always accessible lol. Anyways, enjoy. Bit sad may i add  

 Louis ended on a subtle note hanging in the air. I don't know why, but the letter gave me new hope. harry didn't just leave me; he had a good reason to. I wrapped my arms around Louis' waist, nuzzeling my nose into his hot neck. The steady pulse calmed me.  

"thanks, Lou" i whispered, a small smile forming on my lips. 

"You're welcome" he smiled back and placed a finger underneath my chin. "Anything to make you Happy"  

I dug my face into the crook of his neck again to hid my cheeks which were becoming a scarlet red.  

Suddenly a doctor entered the room. Her crimson hair was tightly loosely into a bun, her large green eyes scanning the two of us. She pulled the corners of her bright red lips up, and walked over with her clipboard.  

"I hope you're feeling better now, Eliza?" she questioned, adjusting her white coat. 

I replied with a small nod and smiled. "Yeah, much" 

"That's great. Well i just have to give you a few check ups to make sure, if that's alright with you"  

"yeah, sure" 

louis unvolintarily slid off the bed, leaving me slightly colder than i was before. He sat down on a chair and watched with curious pools of blue as the doctor took my blood pressure, slightly grinning and looking in a much better shape than he was before. I was happy for him; it wasn't a nice thing being the reason for people's suffering.  

Harry's POV 

"Gemma, hurry up." i said, sighing exasperatedly. 

"Oh my god, Harry, I'm coming! What's your problem?" Gemma snapped, exiting the small apartment, slamming the door behind her with force. 

"Gemma... Please don't make this harder than it already is" I sighed, scratching my forehead. I then grabbed her baggage and threw it in the boot. "This is so heavy, what did you put in there?!"  

Gemma rolled her eyes, ignoring the statement. "I just don't understand. Why do we have to move again? I just got settled here, I've finally made friends! People actually like me here!" she whined, crossing her arms.  

I closed my eyes, shaking my head gently.  

"What, like you like your boyfriend did?" the words came out before I could really control them, and I suddenly regretted them. Gemma's bright green eyes widened and she bit hard on her lip, trying to hold back tears.  

"Oh Gemma... I didn't mean it like that..." 

But it was too late. She burst into frantic tears, Burying her face in her hands. 

"Yes you did! And you know what? You're right!" Gemma cried, slamming a foot on the ground. She threw herself into the backseat, hugging her knees to her chest. "And you know what, Harry?! Be glad you at least have someone that loves you. You don't know what it's like, being me!" she continued, wiping her eyes. 

"Look, Gemma... Don't say that. I love you" I creased my eyebrows sympathetically. Why now? This really wasn't the time. 

"Yeah, but it's a different kind of love! You've got that girl, and I don't have anyone" 

I ran my fingers through my hair, sighing. 

"Gemma. Come on... You're better than all of these boys. And don't call her that. Her name is Elle" I said softly. 

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