Chapter two

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The next morning I got dressed and Ate breakfast in a flash, having woken up half an hour later. I got to the bus just in time and when i arrived to school, i raced to my locker. Seeing Louis, i flashed him a quick smile and made my way to biology. 

"Sorry" i quietly mumbled as i walked into the classroom and walked over to my chair next to Harry. He was leaning back on his chair grinning at me.

"Hello there" he whispered as i sat down. I said hi back. When the class started again i took my books out and started writing down notes. I could smell Harry's scent as he leaned towards me.

"what are you doing...?" he quietly asked.

"oh, um. Writing down notes. Something you should also be doing" i gave him a cheeky smile.

"Eliza, will you please pay attention?" the teacher said irritably before harry could reply.

"Sorry" Harry whispered so only I could hear. "Oh, and I am taking notes- just in my head" he said grinning and pointing at his curly hair. "But i meant what are you doing Friday night? I thought, you know... We could have dinner or see a movie or something. I really want to get to know you more."

I felt my cheeks heating up.

"oh, s-sure! I'd love to!"

"great!" harry replied. "how about dinner around... 7ish?"

"i'd- i'd love to" i repeated, and he smiled back. The teacher spun his head towards our table and gave the both of us a warning look. Harry and I quickly looked at the board and pretended we were listening. I knew I wasn't. I couldn't believe it- I was actually going to dinner with the most amazing guy in school! Scrap that; on earth! It was really hard for me to hide my excitment, and i was probably really red now too but like anything else for the first time i didn't care one single bit. I heard Harry next to me scribbling something on a piece of paper. Then he scrunched it up, carefully opened my hand with his warm fingers and placed the piece of paper inside my palm. I slowly opened the piece of paper that had neat curly handwriting on it. This is what it said:

'How about my house after dinner- just happen to have borrowed The Notebook- one of my all time favourites :) just a thought since theres nothing interesting on at the movies right now'

Harry styles wanted me to go to his house after dinner to watch my favourite movie in the whole wide world. Could this day get any better? I turned the note over and wrote in my messy handwriting:

'that would be great(: and how did you know that was my favourite movie?'

And Harry wrote: 'didn't- guess you just have a really great taste in movies ;) '

I smiled at him and he gave me a huge grin that made his dimples appear. 

"Mr. Styles and Miss. Paulaner, if you interrupt this class one more time, i'll have to separate you." 

I mouthed sorry, but i must've looked really stupid as i was so nervous, happy and excited that i was smiling like an absolute idiot. 

At the end of lunch i walked to the school cafeteria, still grinning to myself, and joined Louis at one of the tables. He probably realised that something really amazing happened because he asked,

"have you won the lottery or something, just look at yourself, love!"

"you could say so..." i said giving him a naughty smile.

"Tell me what happened!" 

I was stuck for a while as i didn't know if telling louis was a good idea. Something in me was telling me not to, but i did anyway.

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