Chapter five

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"Ok, well, i was brought up in Cheshire too... I guess i was simple and quiet boy. After what had happened with my parents, i sort of... Grew apart from everyone that i knew. Well, except for a good friend i had, Niall..." he stopped for a few seconds, looking down at our interlocked hands. My other hand was still tracing circles on the top of his hand. They were amazingly soft.

"what happened, Harry?"

He looked uncomfortable, like he didn't do this often. 

"It's complicated, but i guess you want to know so... And remember this isn't a happy story." 

I nodded, wrapping both my hands tightly around his.

"Well my mother died when i was eight. 

You see, my father became insane. Something in his head snapped, and we're still not sure today. So she was cooking dinner one time, and... He came. I remember being upstairs in my bedroom with my younger sister. I was reading her a bed time story." he paused, his eyes looking down probably seeing flashes of what happened in his mind. "And so... I remember hearing her shout. He came home drunk... For the third time that week. She was angry. Mad. Devastated. ...My sister and i decided to watch them from the stairs. It wasn't a pretty sight for when you're that young. ...Her makeup was smudged all over pretty face from the tears, her dark curls a total mess. My father... He was absolute chaos. She kept shouting at him, saying that he's been irresponsible and has to think about his children... But he wasn't in control" Harry's eyes were turning from bright blue to a dull grey. He looked devastated. His whole facial expression basically screamed pain, anger... Regret? Harry took in a breath and continued to speak. "...Holding the glass wine bottle in his hand, he smashed it and threw it at her..."

"Oh Harry, i'm sorry"

But he ignored my comment and continued speaking. "And so i saw her, lying on the ground surrounded in her own blood. The glass had hit her shoulder and neck... But i didn't do anything. I watched her lie there in agony and didn't go up to her. I was scared, Elle. My father had already left. A neighbour next door had heard the shouting and the police came. They brought her into hospital. She had a deep cut in her shoulder and her neck. But Even though her case wasn't that serious... She died three days later. We still don't know why, but they predicted that she had lived through too much misery... The day before she died she found out that my father had had a son with another woman and he'd been cheating on her all along" Harry was quiet for a minute. His skin had turned cold. I took hold of his other hand and wrapped both of them in my hands, trying to warm them. "continuing," harry said, breathing out. "I had to live with my father from then on. Apparently he wasn't mental enough for him to loose custody of us. I did my best protecting my sister from him of course when the times came. Luckily he was away from home most of the time, which were the highlights of my childhood. I spent lots of my free time at school, studying and singing. Singing used to make me forget about all my bad emotions and i could just pretend to be a whole other person on stage" he smiled at the memories. "anyway, i moved out of Cheshire as soon as i was old enough and had enough money. Renting a nice little apartment here with my sister, who's 15 now. We both work part time, and its going pretty well. But you know, i'm happy here. You don't have all the bad memories lingering in the air." He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "sorry about the miserable conversation" i was about to interrupt before he layed a warm finger on my lips. "ssshhh. Thanks Elle. Thanks for listening. I've never told all of this to anyone..." 

I was surprised. "No one?"

He smiled mischievously. Finally, here's the old Harry back. "nope, come to think of it, they're right when they say speaking to someone about it makes you feel better!" he chuckled. I smiled back at him, and caressed his cheek with my finger tips. I saw colour rising in his cheeks. Then he slid my hand towards his mouth and kissed it, making me shiver. His lips were soft as everything else about him. He looked at me deep in the eyes, our gazes never turning away from each other. I was lost in those exhilarating ocean eyes.

"you really are beautiful tonight, Elle. I've never seen anyone as magnificent and amazing as you" he whispered so quietly, if he'd said it any quieter i wouldn't have heard. I bit my lip nervously. But did i really hear that? He must've, or my heart wouldn't be uncontrollably drumming against my chest so much. I felt my cheeks warm, and i was positively sure i was blushing. His lips curled into his familiar mischievous smile again; probably because i was so red. He leaned towards me at the table so his nose was practically inches from mine now. I could feel his sweet breath on my lips. "Come on, Elle. Admit it. Its as if I'm the only person in the world who's ever told you that."

My heart was beating so fast, i could feel the pulse in my neck. 

"They haven't." i managed to say. "No one has ever said that to me."

Harry looked absolutely surprised, and his eyes widened. However, he didn't have time to say anything as the waitress came from behind.

"Food for table 12?" She said, fluttering her eyelashes. Harry briefly nodded but didn't even look at her once as. She lay the food on the table and left looking a bit upset. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"Elle?" Harry's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Huh? What?"

He gave me a heart warming smile.

"You're a day dreamer, aren't you"

I giggled. "I've been told that"

He laughed with me, and we dug into out food. It was absolutely amazing. We just talked and laughed about random things in between mouthfuls, his eyes twinkling the whole time like giant and bright stars. When we finished, Harry paid (after a failed attempt of convincing him for me to pay), and we walked out of the restaurant. It was freezing outside, and harry must've noticed because he put an arm around my waist, and looked down at me.

"Ready to see the best movie of all times? Oh, and I have to say in advance- I don't have a heater in my apartment, so I think i'll need you especially close tonight." He gave me a ginormous naughty smile, revealing one of his white teeth.

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