Chapter three

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So here it is, chapter 3 :)

That night I lay in my bed, thinking about what had happened today for a long time. All my feelings were confused. I loved Harry, but i loved Louis too. Its just when i put both of those loves together, they were completely different. I didn't know if i regretted kissing Louis or not when i was madly in love with Harry. I suddenly got up, making my head dizzy, and checked my phone. One new message popped up flashing a bright orange envelope. It said from Lou Tomlinson. I quickly opened it to read it.

"hey ellie, reply, cuz we need to talk"

I quickly fumbled on the touch screen to answer: wat is it?

Another envelope flashed- i'm sorry about kissing u earlier on.

Quickly answering, "lou! Why? I kissed you! Wat are u talking about?", i swore under my breath. 

It took louis about a minute that felt like forever. 

Lou: look, i no u wanted me 2 feel better and everything, but i no that u rly like Harry. I can see it. The way u look at him, the way he looks at u! Oh its so creepy but quite something at the same time, and when ur with him ur always so happy.. I didn't lie when i said whatever makes you happy makes me happy too. Lets forget about wat happened. It shouldn't hav happened. 

I didn't know what to anwer him. 

"oh Lou... i'm so sorry, i don't no how this must be for u..."

"dnt worry about me i've sailed the 7 seas, remember? "

I laughed out loud at out inside joke from seventh grade. 

"ok. Well thanks, then " u rly r the best friend i hav ever had in my entire life(:"

"yeah, i must be. I'm telling the girl i luv to go out with some guy i've grown to hate... Lol"

"yeh(: but i do want u to no, harrys a rly gd guy if u get to no him."

"hm... Maybe later"

"whatever lou "

"sailor boy is getting tired, so i'll see u 2moro, kk?"

I looked at the time on my phone; it was quater to twelve.

"i think i might too(: gd nit u silly sailor boy XD"

I put the phone on my bedside table, flicked the lights off and got under my blanket. I fell asleep happy; all the emotion and truth had finally been let out, which left me into a deep sleep with a pure and empty mind.

I Woke up that thursday morning finding that i had actually forgotten about the date with Harry that was tomorrow. Panicing, i dug up my wardrobe trying to find something that could be suitable to wear. Nothing. How was i going to find something to wear in less than 24 hours? Then i had an idea. Quickly texting Louis, he replied in a flash, as usual. 

"you want me to go shopping with you?"

I replied, "Lou, its an emergency. I need ur sense of style, ill look like a tramp if u dnt come!"

"ok fine. Ill meet you outside the gate after school"

"thank youuu!!! Ur the best!! Xx"

However, a second later, i regretted sending the text. Was it wise to ask Louis, out of all people, to come with me to pock out a dress for my date with Harry? A guy he... I guess you could say hate. I put the topic aside and got ready for school, only thinking about the amazing night which was only a matter of hours away. 

During biology that day, Harry and I didn't at all once mention tomorrow night. Our conversation mainly focused on Louis.

"so he isn't even mad at you?" he whispered while his eye was buried in a microscope lense. "its a thykaloid by the way."

"not really. Well a bit at the time, but you know... I think he's over it." i said uncertany while scribbling Harry's words in my note book.

"over it?" he lifted his head up to look at me. "hmm... Doubt it" 

"well, i don't know..."

We kept silent for a minute. I watched attentively as Harry prepared the science experiemnt with his large, toned and graceful hands. His nails were neatly manicure and all clean. On his wrist lay a beautiful and classic black watch. 

"you like it?" his voice caught me by suprise from day dreaming.

"huh? Like what?"

He nodded down at the watch. 

"oh! Right, the watch! Yes, its really beautifully designed. Where did you buy it from?"

Harry smiled a bit. "Actually, it was my fathers."

"That's nice of him to give it to you"

Harry was suddenly still, his eyebrows twitched. 

"he didn't really give it to me... I mean... Well, its hard to explain. I'll tell you when we have more time and um... Privacy" he spoke quietly.

"ok" i answered with no emotion. I was actually very curious of what he had to say, but he seemed rather hesitant about it. I decided to change the subject.

"so, er... For the homework, do we finish the whole page or just what we've done today?"

"today i think, wait let me check." 

Harry walked down to the teachers desk, his dark curly hair bobbing along as he went. I crossed my arms and layed them on the table, resting my head in the crease my arms formed. I then waited for Harry to come back and for the bell to ring, and quite soon, i was waiting outside the gate for Louis to come meet me.

"hey!" I could see louis waving and running towards me. "let's go!" 

We hopped onto a bus that took us to the shopping plaza, and arrived at a large shopping centre after 20 minutes. We stopped off at a couple of random clothes shops, boost juices in hand, until I saw a large sign. 'Top Shop'. 

"Oh Lou!!! Let's go there!!" I squealed. Top Shop was my favourite shop in the entire world. 

"But its bloody Top Shop! They won't have nice dresses there!" Louis shot back. 

"I thought it was your favourite shop too! I know you want to go there anyway" I smiled cheekily.

Louis held a hand gesturing to the shop and put his nose in the air. 

"As always, my dear ellie" He gave me a drop-dead smile. "You win" and we walked into the shop. As I walked in, we went to the formal section, and passing the boy's formal section, I saw an average sized boy with dark curly hair. That couldn't be... I peered closer, skinting my eyes. Oh my god! That was harry, holding a formal charcoal jacket. (Mind you, the sexiest jacket on the rack.)

"uh... Louis? Can we go now?" I grabbed Louis's jumper and dragged him to the exit.

"What? wait, I thought you... Ellie! What are you doing!"

"Shut up, Lou, I'll tell you in a sec" I retorted, still dragging him.

"Ouch, Ellie, that's my nipple you're holding there!" 

"Oh whoops" I stopped, still holding his jumper. "Oh right" I quickly let go.

"What was that all about?" He whined, caressing where i'd been dragging him.


Louis gave me a doubting look.

"Okay fine! Harry was there, and I didn't want him seeing me there and what i'm wearing-"

"Wait a minute, you're buying something for your date with him? I thought it was like a parents work meeting or something"

I was quiet for a few seconds, and let out a long and deep breath. "Yeah, Lou, you're right, its for the date."

Louis had no expression on his face. "Oh, ok. cool. Well, let's keep looking then", and he walked in front of me, in a way so I couldn't see his face, me behind him following him. 


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