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One Month Later

I woke up with a start as I felt my phone ring loudly on my bedside table. Yawning, I sat up stretching to reach for it.

“Hello?” I said croakily, rubbing my eyes. It was dark outside and you could only make out the outline of the shadows around my room.

“ELLIE!” The voice exclaimed abruptly. I instantly jerked it off my ear, nearly dropping the phone with fright,

“Louis!” I said absent-mindedely, feeling a smile curve on my lips.

“I’m outside your front door!” He chirped much too happily. I felt my eyebrows knit in confusion.

“Why?!” I checked the time on my phone. “LOUIS! It’s 3am!” I protested, completely puzzled.

I could nearly feel Louis rolling his eyes as he exhaled loudly.

“Ellie! Today is my X-factor Audition! You said you’d come to it ages ago, and last night!”

“Oh yeah, I forgot” I mumbled, getting up. “Be there in five” I exclaimed and slid off the bed, being instantly cold. Hanging up, I took a deep breath. I could feel my arms shaking reverently as thoughts rushed through my head. I was nervous. Not for Louis’ audition; although, I sure am nervous for him too.

Harry had sent me a message telling me he’d be there. Having not seen him for a month had been excruciating, and to know that today would be the day I could fall back into his arms… I closed my eyes, imagining his scent, as my neck lay in the crook of his, my whole body relaxing. I’d missed him too much. I slid on a pair dark jeans and a woollen jumper, brushed my hair and let it fall down in loose, blonde, ringlets. Just how Harry had preferred it the most. Grabbing my bag, I made my way to the door to see Louis in a grey cardigan with a thin scarf, his hair falling over his eyes. Seeing my face, he brightened up, running up to me for a hug.

“Ellie! I’m so nervous! Come on, let’s go!” He said hurriedly and took my hand, leading me to his car. Louis had just gotten a drivers license and was proudly driving everywhere now; me having to be the unfortunate soul to tag along with him. I smiled warmly at him and went in, sighing as I closed my eyes for a few seconds, reality settling in. Today, in hour’s time, I would be back with Harry.

“You alright, Ellie?” Louis asked, turning to face me. We’d been driving for half an hour now. “You haven’t said anything the whole trip”

I nodded at him. “Yeah, just a bit tired you know. And nervous” I admitted, however feeling horrid afterwards having just told a white lie.  I hadn’t told Louis that Harry would be there. I just had this feeling that it wouldn’t the right thing. Louis seemed to believe me and smiled back.

“You should sleep. We still about half an hour before we’re at Fountain Studios.”

I did as I was told and fell asleep quickly, trying to ignore my thundering heart against my rib cage.

“Ellie! Ellie! We’re here!”

I snapped my eyes open. Louis stood above me with a large grin on his face.

“Come on! Let’s line up!” He said brightly, tugging my hand. I yawned loudly and sat up before giving Louis a giant hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, closing my eyes and smiling. Louis hugged me back, though seeming a bit confused at the sudden display of affection.

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