Chapter seventeen

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I'm uploading 2 chapters in one day because i am a sexy mofo and i should really stop using that word seeing as I now know what it means. Anyways heres chapter 17!    

 Louis moved the portable bed so that we were on the edge on the building. The whole city of London was shining brightly tonight, just like the millions of stars above us.  

"You cold? Louis asked, nudging my shoulder gently.  

"A bit, yeah" I said quietly. Louis wrapped the sheets around me so that they covered every inch of my body.  

"I have an idea!" he announced, and started taking off his espadrilles.

"ew Lou, your feet stink like cheese" I crunched my nose. Louis laughed.

"But you love cheese" he said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but not smelly cheese you numb nuts!" I teased, giggling. "maybe you should start wearing socks, you know" I advised wisely.  

"HA" Louis exclaimed. "Never have and never will!" he said proudly, lifting his nose in the air. He then climbed onto the small bed, wrapping the blankets around him too.

"hmm... Now I'm warm." I whispered and snuggeled into his chest.   

I gently closed my eyes, hearing Louis' heavy breathing. I tried to fall asleep but it was impossible. As selfish as it might sound, I desperately wanted Harry's arms around me. I missed him so much. His smell, his voice. I just needed him with me now...

Harry's Point of View  

We all sat at the dinner table and everyone was digging into their food except for me.  I couldn't eat after what just happened. I just wasn't hungry. My mother looked at me with a bit of a sad expression.  

"Try it, Harry. It used to be your favourite" she said in a small voice. I smiled at her and took a piece of the toad in a hole. It was good, I can't deny that. It just wouldn't pass down my throat.

"Excuse me" I said and wiped my mouth before getting up. "it's really good mum, really, but I just need time for myself right now."  

she nodded and I walked off. What was happening to me? I couldn't think anymore, everything was just a mess. I was meant to be overjoyed by having found my mother after all of these years. But I wasn't... I trotted up the stairs, hearing the low creaks every time I took a step. It brought back to the same, horrible memories. I wish I could forget them, I thought. I arrived in a dark, narrow hallway and pulled down the latch to enter the attic out of habit. I always used to go there when I needed time for myself. It used to be my place of refuge. Climbing up the small staircase, I walked up into the dark room smelling dust and old wood. It was soothing for some reason. The little square entrance on the floor popped up and it was suddenly dark.  

"Where's the switch" I muttered to myself, patting my hands against the wall trying to find it. There we go; I turned it on, and dull light spilled into the attic. It was just how I remembered it; a small window sat there with dust framing it's sill and old boxes were pilled up in each corner, along with an old piano and other junk which no one used but couldn't be thrown away either. And then a guitar, lying on the ground just how I had left it. I carefully walked up to it and blew the thick coat of dust that lay on the light wooden frame. Picking it up with one hand, I pulled the handle of he window with the other and stepped into the cold night air. Millions of stars covered the sky. It was a nice night. I climbed out of the window and sat on the tiles of the roof, positioning the guitar on my lap.  Scraping my fingers against the string, I listened to the soft, melodic sound, closing my eyes. I missed her so much, it was excrutiating. I imagined her flawless face, her locks of blonde hair and her dark brown eyes. Maybe that's why nothing felt right. I wasn't with her. I opened my eyes and looked at the stars. Maybe she was looking at them as well.    

Direction Of DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora