Chapter fourteen

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Harry's POV

Louis shut the door behind him, and i was alone with Elle in the hospital room now. I slowly and hesitantly walked towards her as if by moving a teeny bit faster i'd put her in danger. i was now standing right above her, examining every single detail of her face. From the careful contour of her rounded jaw to the subtle dip in her cheeks. If there was one flawless person in the world, it had to be the girl in front of me. Just imagining what life would be without her made my heart shatter. How was i going to do this? I felt my knees make contact with the cool floor as i carefully placed a hand on Elle's feverent forehead. Then, using my index finger, i traced the bridge of her nose in repeatative motions.

"I love you Elle"

The words escaped my mouth before i even thought about them. 

But what shock me the most was that smile curving on Elle's lips. And in the faintest whisper i heard a small voice.

"love you too, Haz" 

Without thinking twice, i pressed my body up against hers, giving her a tight hug. Her body temperature warmed me. It felt nice, being able to wrap my arm around her. 


She turned her gaze to meet my eyes, the curvature of her lips deepening.

"Promise me something?" My voice was barely audible, but i knew she could hear me. 

Elle replied with a small, stiff nod. 

"Listen to me, alright. Whatever happens, i'll always love you. Don't forget, Elle. Please don't" my voice had a sense of urgency to it, as if i was begging for her to understand me. I squeezed her hand, and she nodded again, and took this time to place a letter I had written to her gently in the palm of her hands. Leaning down, i kissed her forehead, and finally her feverent lips.

I then stood up, letting out a deep and broken sigh. I had to leave now. This was so much harder than it looked.

Ellie's POV

I heard what he said. I was wide awake. It was as if Harry's presence gave me new energy. But the question was, what did it mean? harry stood up as of he were about to leave. What was he doing?

"No" my voice cracked, and harry spun around to face me. His expression was full of worry and anxiousness. "Why you leaving me?" i whispered, using up all the enegy left in me. 

At that moment, Harry's face screwed into guilt, sadness and something else. I just didn't know.

"I'm so sorry, Elle. I have to." 

Those were his last words. He just left. Just like that. I wanted to scream after him, to run. It was exactly like those dreams. Where someone you love so much is leaving you and all you want to do is run after them. But your body simply won't allow it; you're stuck where you are as if you where glued to the ground and as if no matter how much you run, your legs would fail to take you anywhere.

My heart felt as though it had been split into millions of pieces. Like an sharp arrow had darted its way through me. All i wanted to do right now was cry, but no tears came. Only an uncomfortable dryness polluting my eyes, and a lump the size of a tennis ball buried in my throat. Why did he leave me? Why? I was angry, frustrated. Devastated. I was unaware that so many profound emotions could  affect me so much all at once. My fingers dug into my palms, deep enough to draw blood and to make the surface of my knuckles turn white. It was only then i realised that i had a paper like material wedged in between my hand. I brought the piece of paper closer to me, pain shooting up the length of my arm. Choosing to ignore it, i peeled my eyes open a little wider to make up the contents of what i was holding. As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I could just make out the familiar curvy writing. Harry's. He'd written me a letter. I had to read it. I tried opening it and making out the small letters, but they were just impossible to read. Howver, At that moment i heard the door open. Harry?! My heart fluttered for less than a millisecond before I spun my head around, my stiff neck aching, hoping to see a curly headed boy. Instead, stripes.

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