Chapter 3: Why can't I ?

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I sat there waiting for myAunt's phone to ring

More like willing it to

In about thirty minutes some of the parents for the PTA meeting began to come in and those who were familiar with me threw sentences like

'Hey miss, you didn't come to work today?'

Of course I just shrugged it off with a low 'no'

Two hours pass and by that time the PTA meeting was over

My Aunt came up to me and asked if the phone didn't ring I told her no

She picked it up and said aloud

"Yes it rang, there are four miss calls"

Four miss calls!

Each within 10 minutes after I got there

I could've been out ta here a long time ago

With that said she redialled my aunt and she was told I could come any time now

I placed my bag pack over my shoulders as well as my carry on bag and headed through the gates

Because it was a school day there were a tonne of commuters in and around the area, I stood in the line of rowdy and boisterous teenagers who can't seem to understand you don't have to push to get on the bus

I swiped my card and got a window seat so I would know just where to come off.

The bus reached my destination faster than I thought, the nervousness that wasn't there instantly took over.

Get a grip she a cool aunt

I reminded myself

I walked in the lane and turned right

This sun is wayyy too hot

I occupied my thoughts

I climbed the stairs to the apartment and walked to the front doors and knocked lightly when I didn't hear anything I rang the door bell

"Coming" she said in a sing song voice

She opened the doors with a big smile plastered on her face

More than I ever got from my Aunt

Of course I returned it quickly

"What are you standing there for? Come in"

I walked in scanning the familiar and comfortable environment


I assume she was in the kitchen before the doorbell rang because she went back in after she let me in and was washing dishes

I brought my bags in the room and set them down in the closet and sat on the bed where Sam Smith was playing loud on YouTube, I noticed she had a keyboard on her bed

Hmmm odd

Out of curiosity I pressed one of the keys and immediately realized it was connected to the TV

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