Melanie & Her Monsters

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The next two days were all a routine. I would wake up, shower, eat, go outside, eat, go outside, eat, then sleep. I never talked to anyone, but the occasional conversation with Melanie, which never turned out great. The food was always disgusting but I never expected more. And sleeping was my favorite part of the day.

Today I decided not to shower. My skin was starting to dry out and my hair felt less and less clean everyday. Plus, the showers were cold and unappealing.

Sarah and Heather left as soon as they could find it in their sleepy bodies to move. I stayed back with Melanie. She was sitting up in her cot, rubbing circles around her scars.

"Good morning," I said, groggily. 

"Morning," she replied.

She wore dark circles under her eyes, as if she had not had any sleep. I puffed up my pillow and leaned it against the wall. Scooting back, I leaned against the wall myself and yawned. 

"How did you sleep?" I asked, casually. But she didn't respond. At this point, I wasn't looking for her to not answer me, so I asked again, "How'd you sleep, Melanie?"

She looked up at me, a grimace of pain and sadness on her face, "Does it look like I slept?"

I instantly regret asking twice, "Oh, um, no actually. It doesn't. So now I'm asking why?"

She huffed, throwing herself over the side of her bed, "Look, Precious -"

"It's Pride. My name is Pride."

She hunched down, slipping on her shoes, "Whatever. I'm not your friend, okay? We're just stuck in this shit hole together and -"

"Please stop being suck a killjoy. I've been her for four days and I've not seen any other side of you. Can you even smile?" I was beginning to get frustrated with her. Why? I don't know. Being cooped up in this place made me lose all sanity, I guess.

"Whatever. I'm going to shower. Have fun soaking in all the happiness that we're supposed to be living in," she stood and was out the door before I could respond. 

I felt my stomach turn and a surge of remorse ride over me. 

She was right. Life did suck right now. It truly did.


After lunch, I joined the rest of the orphans outside for more "fresh air". I just didn't want to be inside anymore. I didn't want to be here. 

I dreamed at night that Rhett really was coming to get me. I daydreamed during mealtime and while I showered. I wished for more than anything to ride in the coffee, wood smelling truck. I wanted to hug him because I missed having the warmth of somebody close. 

But it'd been three days since I watched him walk across the parking lot. Surely if he were going to adopt me, he'd have me by now. Right?

For the first time since I've been here, I felt my eyes begin to burn with hot tears. I held them back though, which only made my throat burn. I wanted to scream. I wanted to leave.

But I couldn't. 


We had one hour left before dinner. I heard we were having fish sticks and fries. Every part of me hoped that it wouldn't be horrible. 

I stood, ready to go back inside, but was stopped. Melanie met me halfway, and asked me "to talk."

So I turned around and went back to the metal bench where I spent most of my time here. She sat down next to me. She looked nice. More put together today. Maybe because she had showered.

She leaned back crossing her arms over her chest like a thug would do, "Listen, um...I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I was a little harsh on you."

I felt my mouth drop open, surprised to see a different side of her. 

"I can be a nice person, Precious. I'm not so bad all the the time, and it's hard for me to smile. I can't see the positive sides of things, I can't just be happy. But I do want to start over, if at all possible. You're the first person who has tried to talk to me and I appreciate it."

I felt my body tense up, "Melanie, don't apologize. I am the one who needs to say sorry. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. But thank you for coming to me. I would love to start over."

She looked at me, attempted a grin, and spoke again, "I know your name is Pride, but, can I call you Precious? I think it fits you."

No one had ever given me a nickname before, no one except my grandma. I smiled, "Yeah, I don't mind."

"Alriiight," she said, happy that I agreed. 

She looked better, but still groggy from last night. Her dark circles only got darker as the day went on.

"So, why haven't you been able to sleep?" I asked, unsure of what to say next.

She shrugged, "Don't know."

I knew she was lying. She knew exactly what was going on, "Oh come on. Tell me."

She sighed, drooping her shoulders, "I...have...these nightmares."


"Yeah," she said, "I dream about my parents. And all the things they used to do to me. Sounds morbid and it is. But it's become permanent in my mind."

I watched her expression change, her eyes becoming more sad. "Mel, do you mind telling me about them?"

Why would I ask that?

"...My dad was an alcoholic and a drug addict, my mom too. But my dad started this whole thing when I was nine. He came in late one night, I was still awake because I hadn't been feeling well. And I guess he was just frustrated that I wasn't in bed and he hit me. It all happened so fast, days and weeks went by and he just subtly continued to harass me. Mom didn't know. She never noticed. I began to pray that dad just wouldn't come home, it got so bad."

"Why didn't you tell your mom what was happening?" I asked.

"I did. But she didn't like it. So she verbally insulted me and sent me to my room. Apparently they loved the adrenaline because they both continued to physically and verbally abuse me until I came home one day and they were laying dead in the floor. Overdose, the doctors said."

My brain told me to say "I'm sorry"  but my heart told me not to. Because Melanie wasn't a charity case, therefore she wasn't looking for any sympathy. So instead I asked, "Is that when you were brought here?"

She nodded, saying nothing.

"Oh, well...I know this may sound harsh, but I think the bastards deserved it. They shouldn't have done what they did to you, Mel. It's not right. And I know you hate being here, but it's better than being there."

She looked at me, smiled, and looked away.

At that moment, I knew that I had finally said something right. 

I finally had Melanie on my side.


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You're precious!

Always remember to be your mythical best! 

- Robin

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