Parenting 101

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Decided I wanted this chapter to be from Rhett's point of view. Hope you guys like it!

I got home from work a little later than expected. My boss held me over for a talk about shifts and other boring things. When he finally let me go, I immediately came home, hoping that Pride was okay. 

I knew she was going through a lot with Melanie's suicide and it really hurt. Seeing her break down like that was like watching my grandma take her last breath. Completely devastating.

Although Pride was only my daughter by adoption, she still meant more to me than anything in the world.

I know what parents mean now when they say their kids feelings are their own. 

I walked into the house, half expecting to see Pride with a bowl of popcorn, sitting on the couch, watching her favorite TV show, but instead she was no where to be seen.

Laying my hat and keys on the kitchen table, I walked to her room.

The door was already open. 

I peeked inside to see Pride laying in her bed asleep. She looked so peaceful, I didn't want to risk waking her. But before I could shut the door, I noticed something in her hand.

I took off my shoes, and walked quietly to her bedside.

I saw a necklace hanging out of her fist.The necklace she bought Melanie for Christmas.

She showed me what she had bought with the money I had given her a week ago and she said that she couldn't pass it up. It was perfect for her best friend.

I mentally sighed, feeling my mood drop. I then spotted the envelope next to her. I knew instantly who it was from, but it looked new. 

I'm not the kind of person to read other peoples mail, but I couldn't help myself.

I read it. And I cried.

The pain in the letter was too unbearable. I couldn't imagine what Pride was going through while reading this.

"She just had to say goodbye," I heard Pride mumble under the covers.

I jumped a little, startled by the sudden noise.

"I'm okay, if that's what you're wondering."

I shook my head, "Just wanted to check on you. Pride, you aren't forcing yourself to be 'okay' are you?"

She shook her head, "It's my only choice Rhett."

I knew now was the time to talk to her. She would actually talk back. She was ready.

So I climbed onto the foot of her bed, "Talk to me Pride. Tell me everything."

She was quiet for a while. So long I thought that she might have fallen back asleep, but she was just thinking.

"I'm sad, Rhett. I'm sad. She was my best friend. I know I've got Gordon and Coraline, but she was the only one who understood me truly. She made me feel better without even trying and I did the same for her. Her letters were like security blankets for me. Every time a new one came in, I felt relief, even if she told me bad news. It was okay because I knew Melanie was still there. She was still kicking. But I don't have that now, dad. She's gone...forever."

My heart ached for her. That sweet innocent soul was tearing in two and I hated it.

"She sounds incredible, Pride."

"She was."

"Tell me all about her," I said, "Tell me all your greatest memories."

She looked at me then, "What?"

I climbed up beside her, "Tell me all about Melanie."

She was doubtful at first, but after she started, she couldn't stop. 

A half hour later, I was informed on anything and everything that was Melanie and Pride was smiling.

"I'm gonna miss her."

 I smiled down at her, "She's still in there," I said, pointing towards her heart, "And up here," i poked her forehead.

She giggled, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

She yawned then, indicating that she needed to sleep. So I stood, and made my way towards the door before she stopped me.

"Thank you, Rhett," she smiled, "I love you."

I grinned, giving her a wink, "I love you too, kid."


Not the best I've done, but not sure how to make it any better. 

Anyway, I hope you guys like it!

Seriously so close to the end...You have no idea.

Thanks for reading!

Always remember to be your mythical best!


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