Secret touches

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WARNING: I hope you what this means! It means there will be sexual actives in this part, so if you aren't into this! I suggest you Skip this Chapter. 

[I Fucking warned you]

To the rest of you: Get your holy water cause this

       might leave you thirsty. 

Lol Jk.

[A/N:] I'm Horrible at Writing SmutI mean itYou can diss me about it when it ends.its allowed.]


Taehyung knew he shouldn't be doing this but he ignored his conscience either way and unlocked the door to Jin's room. He had Jin's room key punned for him. Yeah, Namjoon knew a good craftsman. With a small click, it opened. Taehyung stepped into the dark room, closing the door behind him quietly.

He needed SeokJin.

He knew He was just a one time thing to the older, hell they didn't even know what really happened that night cause they were piss ass drunk.

But Taehyung hadn't been able to stop imagining himself in Jin's arms underneath the senior, with The senior fucking him senselessly. 


He wet the older's ear as Jin turned in his sleep. Taehyung, turned him over and bit down on his ear causing the other to proud a small moan from the pain but his eyes were closed still.

“Wake up, its time to eat Hyung, I brought your breakfast”

Jin groaned hard, when he felt someone palming his clothed member. “Have me all you want” Taehyung whispered, biting down on Jin's neck. 

Jin's eyes shot up and even though it was dark, he could still make out Taehyung's figure in the dark.

“Freaking Hell, how did you get in here?” he questioned. Taehyung answered by sitting directly on top of Jin's clothed hard on, rubbing their members together. 

“Shit!” Jin cussed out loud from the pleasure. The world knew he wanted Taehyung under him, screaming his name in different Tones but Namjoon was his boyfriend and even though They both agreed to take a break. It didn't mean it was alright to do this. 

“Tae—Fucking Shit!” Jin moaned as Taehyung took out the Older's member, stroking it slowly. Gosh! This brat was even teasing him. 

“Ta-tae Hyung- Argh!” he moaned again. “W-we can't-Fuck!-we can't do this”

Taehyung, kept the pace neutral as he stared Jin in the eye. “Hyung, Just Fuck me. I won't leave until your Big Pole's up in my Ass, wreaking it badly” it wasn't good for Jin that he was whispering these words to him. 

Jin flipped them both over, taehyung under him and Jin over him. Taehyung knew he looked like a whore in Jin's eyes but he cared less. Jin helped the younger out of his clothes as Taehyung took Jin's member into his mouth, sucking on it like he sucked on his lollipop. Taehyung's mouth made a ‘Pop’ sound when he let go Jin's member.

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