Back to the Past

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Hoseok wouldn't calm down. He won't calm down my Jungkook tried to calm him down. He wouldn't calm down when Yoongi shouted at him to sit the fuck down and he wouldn't calm down when Taehyung planted kisses on his cheek.


His second boyfriend was in Surgery.

Yoongi was beginning to get irritated by The Horse faced boy's movement that he pulled him by the arm and sat him down himself.

“Your boyfriend will be fine” Yoongi hissed. Everyone was worried about Fluffy boy too.. He wasn't the only hurt one. If anything, Yoongi should be hurting the most but no, he wasn't being a pussy about it.

“Hoseok, Jimin will be Fine. He's strong” Taehyung said, rubbing circles on his boyfriend's back. He himself was trying to be strong but with Hoseok acting this way, it was hard.

“Mr Jung?”

The doctor called as Hoseok got up stepping forward immediately.

“That's me” Hoseok said as the Doctor nodded going through his clipboard.

“Well Mr Park wasn't really hurt. The only thing affected was his head and we are thinking Amnesia might occur but he's fine”

“Oh thank God” Hoseok muttered with a smile as he wiped his face. He didn't care about anything else. As long as Jimin was fine, he was satisfied.

“Mr Jung, you'll have to come with me to Sign some Documents.. ” the doctor said as he nodded.

Jimin was okay.

“Sure. You can lead the way Mr Do” he mentioned about to leave but got stopped by Jungkook's question.

“Can we see our friend now?”

The doctor gave him a curt nod before the boys left Hoseok and the Doctor to go see Jimin. They both entered to see Jimin sitting on the Bed.

Surprisingly, He was alright. Taehyung ran towards him pulling him in for a big hug as Jimin smiled hugging Taehyung back.

“We were so worried about you” Taehyung said as Jungkook hugged His Hyung too.


“We thought we would lose you Jimin” Taehyung answered as Jimin chuckled.

“I won't die okay? I am as Fit as a Stone” Jimin uttered as his gaze fell on the one person that hadn't greeted him in the room.

He frowned.

Even till now, that idiot was still cold. How could he not greet him? Didn't he miss him too? He was supposed to be hugging him like the Others. He was supposed to be crying but he wasn't even looking at him.

“Ya Min Yoongi!” Jimin yelled taking everyone by surprise. Did Jimin just yell out Jungkook's boyfriend's name?

“What?” the white boy's face tugged in a frown.

“Why are you ignoring me?” Jimin frowned really hard. How could Someone be so cold?

The others were Shell shocked. Did something happen between this two? Vkook kept quiet to see how this would all unfold.

“I am not ignoring you, I am minding my business..” Yoongi scoffed as Jimin stood up from the bed. He headed towards Yoongi and slapped him hard across the left cheek.

Everyone gasped. Even Hoseok who had just walked him.

Jimin just bitch slapped Yoongi and no one knows why yet. Taehyung approached them pulling Jimin away from Yoongi who looked confused.

Okay, did this accident make him Mad? Jungkook asked in his head as Jimin laughed.

“Are you ashamed of me now? Are you tired of me now Yoongi. What happened to forever? Are you ending things with me?”

“Uh..Jimin hyung, what are you saying?” he asked as Jimin chuckled pitifully.

“He's my boyfriend. At least he used to be”

“W.H.A.T.?” they all chorused except Yoongi who maintained eye contact with the smol fluffy boy.

He remembered. He got his memory back. Jimin knew who he was but this was a wrong timing.

He was with Jungkook now. He couldn't leave Jungkook for Jimin right?

“Jimin what are you saying? Yoongi isn't even your boyfriend.” Taehyung chuckled making the mood light a bit.

“Dont call me, why are you even here? I thought you were Yoongi's friend but I can see you aren't? Who the Fuck are you?”  Jimin yelled Shocking the others as Jungkook's lip trembled.

“Y-you don't  remember us?”

Jimin sighed.  “We haven't even ever met”

All eyes faced Yoongi who knew It was time to spill everything.

Hoseok took steps towards Yoongi. Something wasn't right?“If he has Amnesia, then why does he remember you so well?”

“Because he and I dated”


Laughs like an evil villain.

Yoonmin Swayed!

Didn't have time to edit this.


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