Fuck love Stories

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Jimin Sighed, taking a pancake with his fork and placed it on his plate. He had been acting weird for a few days now. Was he okay?

I was about to ask when his phone Rang.

“Um, Hey” he said quietly into the phone.

“-Really? Okay sure. Let's do that”

And he hung up. That was one quick weird call, if you ask me. Placing the Frying pan down, I took off my apron.

“So you going out today?”

He nodded, not looking me in the eye. The fuck was wrong with Jimin?

“Jimin is everything alright? You aren't being yourself. Is someone hurting you..?”

He stopped chewing to face me properly. “Hoseok, do you think we should still continue this relationship?”

Was Jimin indirectly telling us to break up?

“Jimin, why would you ask that? Of course not. This relationship means a lot to both of us”

He sighed. I knew something was bothering Jimin. “H-hoseok, we should just end it”


I asked tightening the grip on my apron.

“Cause I'm in love with someone else”

That hurt, so fucking much. To tell you the truth, I had expected it but I didn't want to believe it was true.

“Fine, if it's what you want then let's do it. Let's break up Jimin” with that I left the kitchen trying not the let the tears fall in front of him. I loved Taehyung, sure but I loved Jimin more. The thought of not having him by myself seemed like a Plague. I shook the thought out of my head.

I punched the wall numerous times that my knuckles started to bleed bad.. Why did I let him go so easily?

He didn't love me anymore, so what was the point of holding unto him?

I just—

“I'm sorry”

I heard with an instant backhug. Jimin? I pulled out of the hug to face him. His eyes were bloodshot red. Had he been crying too?

“Hoseok forget what I said, I love you too much to let you go” he said, tears falling freely. Placing my hand under his chin, I beamed. He wasn't letting me go.

“I love you too Jimin”

With that, I closed the distance between us, letting my lips land on his. My hands travelled down to his waist and his hugged my neck. The kiss got heated as Jimin mewled out a moan. I bit hard on his lip as my hands gave his butt a tight squeeze.

“H-hoseok”he moaned sexily into my ears. My Member hardened at that as I carried him bridal style and placed him on the bed.

“Hoseok please Fuck me” He pleaded as I shook my head. “I'm not going to Fuck you, I'm going to make love to you babe”

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