Goodbye my love

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Ian's funeral was set for the following weekend. They had to hold his body for examination, and to also notify his parents William and Diane who lived in Florida. The coroner gave them his personal effects. His watch was not with it. He never took the watch off. And neither were his keys. His parents were devastated. Ian was an only child like myself.  It was a small service.  His boss came to pay his respects as well as Mike, my friend Kim and Alex.  His parents didn't know that we were engaged yet. But they told me that they were happy that he wanted to add me to the family. I do love them. I lost my own parents in a car accident when I was 19, so they were the only family I had.  How do I move on from this?

I felt a hand in my shoulder and looked over to see Mike. I turned and he hugged me.  "I'm so sorry Lyndsey", he said brushing a few strands of light brown hair out of my face. " He was my best friend"
I cried, holding onto Mike for support so I didn't collapse. 
"I'm here if you need me, for anything", He said. "Anything at all".
"I appreciate it". I sobbed "I do".
When everyone left my house after the funeral I grabbed Ian's shirt that he last wore and laid down on my bed inhaling his scent. I miss him. I cried so hard I didn't remember falling asleep, until my phone kept dinging. I thought I turned it off. I glanced at the clock. 3:46am. Who is texting me at this hour?
I grabbed my phone and opened the messages. There were 8 unread messages.
"Why him"? 3:04am
"Is that what you want to know"? 3:08am
"I will tell you" 3:10am
"Because he doesn't love you like I do" 3:13am
"Don't ignore me Lyndsey" 3:18am
"Answer me"! 3:26am
"I'm sorry. I love you" 3:46am
Oh my god! Scared I called the police.
About fifteen minutes passed before I heard a knock at the door. I saw blue and red lights outside so I knew it was the police. I let them in and showed them the messages. Of course, they told me without a return number or name they have nothing to go on. And if they do reveal themselves at any point I should contact them immediately.

So, am I supposed to live in fear that someone out there killed my fiancé just because they wanted to be with me?
This person is a sick individual and needs to be stopped. But how, when I don't even know them? Or do I?
Everyone will become a suspect if I think that way. 
Maybe it's time I disappeared for a bit. Turn off my phone. Maybe the person will give up. Where would I go?  I have never been outside of Philadelphia in my whole life.  I could go visit William and Diane. But is Florida for me? I don't know. I do know one thing. I'm not going to let this person get me. 
I couldn't sell my house and just leave. It would be more of a vacation if anything. I do need a place to live when I get back. Whenever that is.

Over the next couple days I made a conscious decision to go.
I only told Kim that I was leaving for a while and that I would contact her. I had my cell phone service turned off and got a new unlisted number that way Ian's killer couldn't get to me. Maybe he will have a conscious and turn himself in. I loaded up my car and drove off, leaving my home behind me and headed for Florida for a while. William and Diane are allowing me to come stay with them while I am there. I'm sure they are great parents. They obviously raised a great son.  Oh Ian!  I miss you so much. Tears welled in my eyes as I drove and left Philadelphia behind.

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