Domovoi Butler

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Sorry the last chapter was super short!!! I'll try to make them longer.
     Truth was the better option, so I went with it. I immediately regretted it when the author's spirit re-entered. It shimmered around Rachel, whispering ideas that could bring about my destruction, I was sure. Finally, Rachel grinned, obviously finding one that she liked. I braced myself for public eye humiliation.
I was not disappointed.
"What's your favorite genre of book?" Rachel asked pleasantly, "and what's your favorite book, specifically?"
The pleasantness covered the evil gleam on her eye (I was probably imagining that but you never knew). I glanced at Artemis, not wishing my Principal to know his tough bodyguard's favorite type of book.
"I... Er... Wellllllllll," I began lamely. Holly gave me an encouraging look and I decided to get it out. "I like Romance and my favorite book is Gone With the Wind."
Artemis looked slightly stunned, but I didn't mind. Now that it was out, I realized that it wasn't that bad to say it. I glanced around, wondering who to pick. The bushy haired girl had been rather quiet lately.
      "Hermione," I turned to face her, "Truth or Dare?"
And I failed with making the chapter longer... Try harder next time!!!

Truth or Dare: Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now