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I wasn't a coward, and anyone who says differently obviously hasn't tried breaking into Fowl Manor- it takes guts. I had, though, just seen Magnus Bane do a pole dance and wasn't eager to repeat the performance. I did the smart thing, which I am capable of, even if Holly doesn't think so.

"Truth," I said. 

"What is the worst feeling in the world?" Magnus said, casually inspecting his nails as though he hadn't just asked me to destroy my reputation. I glanced nervously at Holly but, if she could reveal her kiss with Artemis, I could answer truthfully, no matter how much I didn't want to.

"When I lost my magic," I sighed. "I don't regret it, 'cause it's opened a lotta doors for me - literally," I smirked. Holly, Artemis, and Butler rolled their eyes. "But Frond it hurt and sometimes I want it back, you know? When one of you guys gets hurt, I really wish I could just heal you right up. But I can't. Because I wanted to be rich."

I had expected Holly to make fun of me but instead she looked a little... proud? Artemis, on the other hand, was completely gloating. I had mocked him for caring more than he let on, and being soft behind his mask, so I suppose it was only fair. The last two people who hadn't been dared (I had been paying attention, contrary to popular belief) were Izzy and Alec. The brother and sister. I decided to spice the game up a bit, since it was our final round.

"This goes out to Izzy and Alec," I announced. "Truth or dare?"

Truth or Dare: Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now