Magnus Bane

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    "Dare," it was an obvious choice. I had a reputation of complete unashamedness to live up to, after all. Peeta smirked.
    "Pretend you're a stripper, and do a pole dance."
    This was eerily similar to Clary's, but it didn't disturb me less. Did this mean I would actually have to -
    "Yes, you have to take off all your clothes except your boxers," Peeta informed me. I inwardly groaned, felt it didn't convey enough emotion, and then outwardly groaned. The damned author's spirit filtered in and when it swirled out, a nice little setup of a pole with flashing, 'seductive' lights. Some kind of music that made you want to shimmy started playing, so I gave Alec and apologetic look and started doing just that. Using the pole as a crutch was easy - I just pretended it was Alec, and tried to seduce him. The pole was unsurprisingly unresponsive. The hardest part was deciding how to take off the clothes and when, but when I was finally down to my boxers (black lined with gold), the pole, lights, and music disappeared. I quickly magicked my clothes back on me and turned to the only one who wasn't staring at me (either in shock or amusement).
    "Mulch, truth or dare?"

Truth or Dare: Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now