Grover Underwood

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Hey. So yeah. I haven't updated. In forever. I'm so sorry! I lost my phone for a while and bought a new one but my parents didn't want to get Wattpad again, so I couldn't get to the app. I just found my old phone today, but I could've searched harder. Again, so sorry. Also, I hope this chapter satisfies @fantasticbookworm's
request! I haven't read THG in forever so sorry if it's all wrong.
On with the story!!!!

I was about to start speaking, when a sudden flash of light burst in the room. When it cleared, three people were standing there. One was a girl, with long hair in a braid and a bow and arrow slung across her back and two were guys, each glowering at the other.
    "What the hell?" The taller one growled.
     "Gale, calm down," the girl said in an irritated voice. She turned to face us. "Um, what are we doing here?"
    "None of us know," Annabeth said. "We just sort of woke up here... And you are?"
   "Katniss Everdeen," the girl said quickly, almost as though she was making a mistake.
   "Peeta Mellark," Peeta said.
    And, "Gale Hawthorne," was the last individual.
    The introductions were returned.
    "We're playing Truth or Dare," Percy announced with a little too much enthusiasm.
     "And Grover was about to go," Hermione said pointedly. Crap.
     "Ummm... Okay... I choose..." I stammered. They all stared at me. Here goes. "Dare."
"Okay," Hermione grinned evilly. "Remember Harry's Dare gone wrong?" (If you don't, it was that he was dared to kiss Annabeth and he kissed her cheek).
I groaned internally. "Yeah."
"Kiss... Are you straight?"
"Fairly sure."
"Kiss Katniss. Full on the mouth. Since she's new, I'll let the time frame be shorter."
My mouth fell open. What???? No!!!! I didn't... Oh God. Might as well get it over with.
"I'm sorry," I said in the most sincere voice possible. She grimaced.
"Just do it. The anticipation is killing me."
I leaned forward and kissed her. On the mouth. She tasted slightly like berries which (being a satyr) I didn't mind exactly but the thought of Juniper's chlorophyll-tasting kiss made me pull away quickly.
I glared at Hermione. She looked quite pleased with herself.
"Gale," I said, already knowing what I'd choose to give him, "Truth or Dare?"
If you're still reading this, thanks for sticking around for such a long time! This is one of my first fanfics so it means a lot to me. Thx!!

Truth or Dare: Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now