Chapter one

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"Day one"

He nodded and lead me over to the living room next to the kitchen.

"Dad, she is beautiful."

"Yeah and?"

"Can she be my girl?"

He looked at me as if he was thinking about it.

"We can test her out, you will train her if you cant control her she is going to be our supper on Sunday."

After he said that Mom walked down the stairs, she jumped  at the sight of the girl.

"Are you guys waiting for something?"

"No Ma'am she is my girl."

Mom looked at Dad and he nodded at her, she walked into the kitchen and started making dinner.

Her eyes tear as she looks up at me.

"Please don't hurt me I wont tell anybody."

"Exactly because you aren't going anywhere."

"NO PLEASE!" She shouted

"CHARLES control your girl."

I walked over to her and cut the rope around her tiny wrists. She jumped up, I slammed her back down into the chair.

"You listen to me." I shouted in her face and grabbed her arm.

"And if I don't." She spat at me.

"You get punished." I slapped her as hard as I could without breaking her neck.

I pulled her up the stairs. She stumbled but she made it to the room. I threw her on the bed and she crawled into the corner of the bed.

I sat at the end of the bed.

"I didn't want to hurt you but you have to listen to me, you are my girl now."

"Im not a child you cant tell me what to do, you dick." She shouted.

"see now that is going to be a problem."


"Cursing, it is wrong and you don't do it."

"My father is one of the most powerful men in the United States, he will find you,and he will kill you."

I got up from the be, I was frustrated. I went over to my very old wood dresser. I pulled out an old grey shirt and a pair of pants.

"Here " I threw the clothes onto the bed next to her.

"Go take a shower." I pointed over to the restroom.

"I'm not taking a shower."

"Yes you are you are filthy."

"Does your face hurt?"


"Did it feel good?"

"Of course not you psycho."

"Then listen to what I say to you or it will happen again."

"She grabbed the clothes and walked into the bathroom."

 "Don't lock the door."


"When you are done come downstairs."

 20 minutes and she came downstairs. Her blonde hair was in a messy bun. I directed her where to sit down. She sat down.

"Now let's go over the rules."


. Well goodnight everybody I hope you enjoy the story, Don't forget to share with your friends who read Mason Fitzy's books Kidnapped by cannibals.

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