Chapter Thirteenth

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I'm so sorry about the crappy chapter I jus lt have my been the best lately.

“Charles!” I yelled. He came down stairs seconds later with a smile on his face. 

“What?” He looked at me.

“I’m done.” I looked back up at him. 

“What do you mean?” He twisted his fingers together.

“Done being, selfish.” I sobbed.

A tear rolled down my cheek and he walked by me knelt down and wiped it off of my face. He cradled my face and leaned in for a kiss. 

I kissed him back for the first time in forever. He drew his attention away from me and back at the ropes.

“Let’s get you out of here.” He smiled.

“Ow.” I wined. 

“I’m sorry.” He looked up at me with sympathy in his eyes. 

“It’s okay.” I looked up at the ceiling and waited for this to be over. 

I hadn’t taken a shower in weeks and the little food I got barley kept me alive. My wrists cracked and were covered in a little bit of fresh and dried blood.

“Done!” He smiled at me.

And helped me up I almost feel but he cought my fall.

He gently picked me up and we walked up stairs. I was in so much pain, I muffled his cries in his chest. Before I knew it we were in the bedroom.

"You should take a bath." He smiled rubbing my back.

I hobbled over to the bathroom door and paused. What am I doing?

"Are you okay?" He ran behind me.

"Yeah.. Yeah I'm okay." I smiled.

"How about I run the bath and you just rest." He smiled.

"Okay." I hobbled back over to the bed.

My wrist and thighs were tiny I had lost so much weight. It was disgusting.

I will never love him I thought.  Maybe I could just try. My father clearly forgot about me.

The water ran for about two minutes until he came out of the bathroom and helped me up. 

I got undressed, I put my foot into the tub and he helped me get in.

“Ow.” I yelped 

“I’m sorry.” He looked at me.

I had sores on my back from not showering in weeks but I needed one. 

“You got it?” He asked.

“Can you stay?” I looked up at him.

“Are you sure?” 

“Yeah I can’t do this alone right now it hurts too much.” 

“Okay.” He smiled and knelt down next to the tub.

He grabbed a cup from under the sink and got a cup of bath water. 

Charlies POV

She leaned her head back and I gently poured the water onto it. I was flattered that she asked me to stay.

I still felt really bad but she needed to learn her lesson. She was all beat up, one thing Dad said was to not feed her. But I did I snuck a little bit of food down to her every once in a while.

I went back under the sink and got a rag so she could wash herself. “Here.” She grabbed it and looked at me.

“Well, don’t you want to help?” She giggled

I smiled and took the rag put a bit of soap on it and started washing her back. I was as gentle as possible and as careful as possible. 

When we were finished I got her a towel and I set a pair of clothes on the bed and sat there. She came out with a towel with her hair up into a bun. 

I turned to face the other way when I heard he gasp.

“Look.” She smiled. 

She had a slight baby bump I smiled and walked over to her. She was standing in front of a mirror.

I wrapped my arms around her chest and I rested my head onto her shoulder. “I have a human being growing in side of me.” She smiled whipping a tear off of her face.

After about 20 minutes we were downstairs sitting at the table. Mom served us all plates of food. Nothing was said at dinner accept a brief conversation between Dad and I. “What do you plan to do?” 

“Dad I don’t know, you have asked me this so many times I just can’t do this without Colby.” I looked down.

“You have been saying this for a month Charles it either gets done tonight or I do it myself.”

Mom started picking up the plates and cleaning up. “Fine.” I said. 

Dad looked at me funny. “Fine?”  

“Yeah I’ll do it as soon as I wake up.”

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