Chapter Eighteen

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Caroline's POV

I was in and out of Conscientiousness my life flashed before my eyes, crying, I heard crying my baby. I looked up at Charles and his face was covered in either sweat or tears. "I love you." I couldn't hold his hand any longer I was becoming weak.

I don't know what was happening. Rick walked behind Charles with a bundle in his arms it was my baby. I tried to reach up but I couldn't. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore I drifted off into a forever slumber.

Charles POV

I was focused on Caroline her eyes fell and I shook her in attempt to wake her. She wasn't budging I looked up at Dad as he placed the baby on Caroline's chest. I stood up in rage and looked at Dad. 

"What's wrong with her?" Dad just looked up at me and picked the baby. "Son, She's dead." Tears started rolling down my face I turned around to the dresser and grabbed the vase sitting on it and threw it at the wall. Dad jumped back, he headed toward the door and he turned "I'll be on the porch, make your decision." I walked back over to Caroline and knelt down beside her.

"What am I supposed to do my child will not be a bastard child!" I shouted. I brushed the hair out of her face and laid my head on her stomach. I could believe she was gone, she was my everything. We were supposed to have a family together and be happy. This isn't real.


Rick's POV

After loosing the baby and Caroline Charles went over the edge. We didn't have any meat to cook at all and Charles would either stayed outside for all hours of the night or not leave for days. I had no idea where he would go and I was to scared to tell him that I was worried.

After fixing myself a bowl of oat meal I sat down at the table and said a prayer. "Please protect Charles, wherever he might be and bring him hope, Amen." I took a bite of the bitter oatmeal and wished Charles would come home.

I had planned a trip to give Charles a break from whatever he was doing. We were going to go to visit the family for a couple of weeks kind of like an intervention for him.

I finished the oatmeal and just waited for Charles to come through the door. If he didn't come home in one hour I will go looking for him. Time passed as I just sat there and stared at my watch, I had been doing this a lot these past couple of weeks.

I put on my boots and grabbed my cane, I also grabbed the flashlight at the edge of the counter and headed out the door. I started walking towards the barn.

Charles POV

I raised the butcher knife and dropped it onto the head of the chicken. Killing things was the only way to cope with life nowadays. It brought me joy I will take from mother nature like she took from me, three times. I held the chickens head over the tin bucket.

It slowly dripped I calmed me the sound of the blood hitting the bottom of the bucket. I heard a knock on the barn door, it made me jump and drop the chicken. I walked over to the door and Dad was standing in front of it. 

"We need to talk." Dad looked me up and down noticing the blood. I gestured him towards the truck. "I'll be in in a second. He walked towards the truck and got in. I turned around and untied the apron protecting my clothes. I took off the rubber boots and put on my regular work boots. I braced myself and walked back to the truck.

I nod at Dad as I get in, he was sitting in the drivers seat so I had to sit in the passenger. "We need to get you a new girl, and after that she isn't going to die." "Dad you cant make somebody not die." He shot me a look.

"Look Dad I don't want another girl, I wanted to have a family with Caroline, she made me happy." I looked up at Dad. "What if I can find you somebody that I know would make you happy?" I didn't respond to him. "Fine." I gave dad the keys and we started to drive away from the barn.

about 5 minutes later Dad and I were back at the house, "Okay get out and wait." I got out of the car and grabbed the key from my neck. I turned around and waved before putting the key in and opening the door. I couldn't picture me with anybody but Caroline she was what I wanted.

I waited in my room for the sound of the door to open. Finally after a couple of hours Dad was home. "Charles!" He shouted. I wiped my eyes and jumped out of bed. I opened the door slowly and walked down the stairs.

What I saw was amazing.

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