Chapter Six

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"The Pregnancy?"

Caroline's POV

They all looked up at me and stared while I sat down.

Charlie gestured for me to sit on the chair next to him. He grabbed my hand, I shivered when he grabbed it.

"You are so beautiful."  I looked up at the girl who said that. She had long brown hair.

She had Gabe in her lap.


"So when is it due?"

I turned my head slightly looking at Charles. He nudged me.

"Um, what do you mean?"

Noah looked over at me and glanced at Rick. Beth broke the silence,

"So how about we star dinner."She smiled

"Okay Caroline and Jenny will help me, so you boys should go have fun."

Charles gave me a kiss on the head and headed out of the door. Noah gave Jenny a hug and kiss and whispered something into her ear. As soon as the boys left including Gabe, we started cleaning.

Charlie's  POV

I gave Caroline a kiss and started walking out.

"It's nice to see you again."Noah smiled.

"Yeah you too."

"So when is the due date?"

"What are you all on about?"

Dad shot a look at me.

"Well she's pregnant isn't she." Noah asked.

"I don't know." I looked back at Dad.

"What are you guys going to do if its a girl?"

"What do you mean we."Dad stopped walking."

"This is Charles girl not "ours"." Dad said

It was silent until we got to the chicken pens.

We all waked in and grabbed a bucket of chicken feed.

"You know these chickens are worthless unless you eat them." Noah jokingly said

I turned around and threw a handful of food at him.

"Ugh." Not cool.

Dad turned back and chuckled.

"Just like the good old days when you guys were kids." All of us smiled

"We should go into town after dinner."

"Its going to be to late."Dad said.

"It's only 3:15 dinner will be done soon and Noah and Jenny can stay over tonight and leave tomorrow if they wanted.

"I guess if that's okay Noah."

"Sure." He smiled

"It good to spend a little extra time with family."Noah put his empty bucket back onto the shelf.

Dad handed me his bucket and we headed towards the graves.

We all picked a flower and placed in onto uncle Buck's grave.

"Oh I sure miss that old fart."Dad let out a chuckle.

"Don't we all."

Caroline's POV

I could smell the delicious meat all of the way from upstairs it made my stomach gargle.

I picked Gabe out of the crib and grabbed a toy. He wrapped his arms around me and it made my heart melt.

I walked back down the stairs to Jenny. She smiled at the sight of him
She set down the plait of meat.

"There's my handsome man."
I gave him a little squeeze before handing him over.

He reached out and wrapped his hands around her neck.

"I hope I have that someday."she turned back and smiled

"You will get it someday soon."

"Okay lets set the table."Beth smiled.

I grabbed plates cups and silverware from the cabinets.

"Careful." Beth exclaimed as I almost tripped.

Jenny set Gabe on the high chair at the end of the table.

The front door opened and the guys came in.

"It smells good in here "Charlie smiled and walked over.

He grabbed my waist and kissed me. He smelt like dirt but not in a bad way. For the first time ever I kissed him back.

He pulled away in shock.
He whispered,

"It's nice to see you coming around." He kissed me once more.

We all sat down at the table and they all started talking. I kind of zoned out and ate.

"So we are going to go to town just for a few things we will be back soon."

"You know what how about you and Noah go and ill just stay here I'm a bit tired." Dad said stretching.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He kissed Beth and headed up stairs.

Charlie kissed me grabbed the keys and left.

"Hey Beth and I got this why don't you go head up to sleep."

"Thanks." I smiled.

I went upstairs into the bedroom, pulled out one of Charlie's old grey shirts and threw it on.

I laid in bed listening to the muffed conversation from downstairs.

I was laying in there for about two hours.

I couldn't sleep so I just stared at the Wall.

I was almost asleep when the bedroom door creaked open.

I felt my weight on the bed shift as Charlie tossed his boots off and laid behind me. I turned my body so I was facing him.



"I got you something." He reached behind and grabbed a little white box that read,

"Clear Blue."

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