Chapter Three

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I reached over to silence the alarm. I rubbed my eyes. As I got out of bed I realized her face was nuzzled into my back.

"Caroline." I attempt to nudge her awake.

"Come on we need to get ready for the day."

She rips herself away from me realizing that she slept on me. She covered he legs with the blanket.

I got up from bed and grabbed a fresh T Shirt and tossed her a white sundress with a lace printed on the top half.

"Can I take a shower?"

"No you just took one yesterday."

"Ugh." she grunted at me.

She got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to change. I sat on the bed and waited for her. About 2 minutes later she came out with her hair braided to the right.

"Come on you have to make breakfast."

I opened the door and mother greeted me after we got down from the stairs.

"I guess I will show you the ropes today."
Mother smiled at her.

"Com on Charles we need to do a quick chore before breakfast."

I put on my worl boots and we headed out the door.

Caroline's POV

After Charles and his father left I was relived.

"So are you ready to make breakfast?"

"Yeah I guess I don't really have a choice."
I smirked at her.

"Come on honey don't think of it like that."

She started pulling ingredients out for pancakes I'm guessing.

"Can I ask you a question without being hit?"

"Oh course what is it?"

"Well I've been wondering did you ever try to you know leave?"

"Of course I did but Rick made me realize he was just helping me."

"What your name?"


"That's a pretty name." I smiled at her while mixing the contents of the boul together.

She smiled back at me.

After 30 minutes of awkward silence the food was done and the table was set.

Beth placed all of the food onto the table and Charles and Rick walked in.

"Just in time." Beth smiled at Rick and he kissed her.

Charles came up to me expecting something but I awkwardly pushed him away.

We all sat down.

"This is amazing."Charlie said shoveling his plate of food into his mouth.

"Thanks." For the first tim I smiled back at him.

I went to reach for the honey and Rick smacked my hand away.

"Don't reach across the table it rude."

Charles glared up at him.
"Don't be so hard on her."

"Then you need to teach her the ropes around here."

Charlie's POV

After breakfast Dad and I went out to feed the chickens.

Well the very few we had left because Dad thought the coyotes were getting to them.

We walked out to the barn where the chickens were supposed to be.

There was two teens making out on the top beam of the barn.


That made them both jump and the girl fell from the top beam of the barn because the boy jumped up.


Dad and I both looked down to the girls lifeless body.

The boy still in shock wasn't talking or moving.

"Well what do we do now it is to early for her to learn about the tradition."

"Well we will have to kill and cut them up out here.


"Sonny why don't you come on down?"

I had my hand holding onto the knife in my back pocket.

He crawled down still in shock he walked over to us with shakey legs.

"It's going to be okay." Dad reassured him

When he got close enough I struck him in the throat. Blood splattered everywhere all over me but not dad.

"Well this is a messy one." Dad chuckled

His lifeless body hit the cracked dry ground.

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