Chapter Twenty

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Charles POV 

I woke up and Marilyn was curled into me. She was still sleeping so as soon as the alarm went off I pushed it as fast as I could.

I rolled her over so now she was facing the wall. I got out of bed and put on my shirt and walked over to the bathroom door. 

I ran my hand over the spot I had to break in so that I could get to Caroline. I still wasn’t over her. I brushed my teeth and shaved my face.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked over to the bed and gently woke Marilyn up. She rubbed her eyes and reached out to grab my face. 

Caroline used to do that all of the time when she first woke up, it was like a little bit of Caroline was in Marilyn. I smiled and kissed her, she sat up.

 “Morning.” She smiled and then stretched. 

“You might want to hurry to start making breakfast.”

“I will give me a couple of minutes and I will be down.” She got out of bed 

“Are you okay being up here alone?” she looked back at me. “Yeah.”

  I Walked down the stairs and was greeted by Dad. “Morning Son.” He put down his cup of coffee.  “Morning Dad.” I sat down at the table and waited for Marilyn. 

A couple of minutes later she came down wearing a dress and a pair of socks. She walked over and kissed me, “Good morning Rick.” She smiled at him. “Good morning Marilyn.”

She walked over to the cupboard and pulled out two coffee mugs. She filled them both and sat down at the table. 

“How did you sleep?” Dad looked up from his book at Marilyn “Good, thanks for asking.” 

Dad took a sip of his coffee and Marilyn got up and prepared 3 bowls of oat meal. When they were done we all sat at the table and chowed down. “In a couple of weeks when she is used to the rules we are going to stay and visit Noah for a while.”

Dad took a bite of food, a bit of it fell on his shirt and she handed him a towel to clean it off 

“Okay well if Marilyn behaves can we go sooner?” I was really surprised Dad mentioned Noah because I haven’t thought about him for a while. “Maybe only if she behaves and does what she is supposed to do around the house.”

I looked up from my half empty bowl of food and smiled at Dad, he flashed a smile back at me.

Marilyn got up and grabbed the dishes and started cleaning and I put on my work boots. Before I walked out I walked over to Marilyn and gave her a kiss. She dried her hands on a towel and wrapped them around me, I kissed her head and headed to the door. Dad and I loaded up the truck and left.

Marilyn’s POV

I dried off my hands and wrapped the around Charles, he kissed my head and him and rick were gone. I was all alone and the house was kind of bitter without anybody to fill it. It kind of made my stomach twist in a knot, but I pushed through that feeling. 

I was felt like snooping so that is what I did. I defiantly wouldn’t dare go into Rick’s room because I didn’t want him to find out and have Charles punish me. I put down the broom and headed up the stairs. I paused at the cabinet that held the towels and started opening the drawers, I made sure not to make too much of a mess. 

There was pictures of Charles family, I pulled out a large box it was really heavy, something in it was loose. I took the top off and there was a plastic bag full of money. Hundreds of dollars. I was shocked as I pulled out another bag of money.

They all had names written on them, Charles, Rick, and Noah. This must have been a weird version of a trust fund. They all had little notes in them. I didn’t bother to read the notes, I set everything back in the same exact spot and carefully shut the drawer. 

I walked into Charles room and went through the dresser in there. There was nothing but clothes and a brown journal the cover was a bit tattered up but it was still in good shape. I opened the book up and read the first entry. 

“My first kill, she was a little bit older than me                                                                                                            She had long black hair and her screams echoed                                                                                                                  through the basement as I slid the knife across her thighs                                                                                                                                 she pleaded but nobody was going to save her. 

 Until next time 


I ran my finger across the tooth that was glued to the bottom right of the page. It was clean but it had a terrible stench to it. I flipped the page and began reading again, 

Dear Diary,

Today I found out that Mom and Dad were going to have another kid. Mom’s stomach was getting bigger but I didn’t know that she had a person growing inside of her. I’m so happy that I will get to play with a brother. I asked Dad what will happen if it is a girl. He didn’t want to talk about it all he said was, ‘’It isn’t going to live if it was a girl.” 



I shut the diary and put it back into the drawer. I was shaking and slouched back onto the bed. What happened to that baby? 

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