Chapter Ten

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"Bon Appetite?"

Her face went pale she dropped the strip of meat and I shot Dad a look.

"Why are you so pushy?" I yelped.

He looked back at me in rage. "You said for me to do this."

Caroline got up from the table and ran to the sink. She started sticking her fingers in the back of her mouth. In seconds she was throwing up, I jumped up to rush to her aid. I pulled her hair back.

Caroline's POV

I pushed him off of me and he nearly hit the floor. He stabilized himself he reached up and pulled me towards the stair. I scratched at his arms because I was now on the floor.

I tried with all of my might not to get away, I scratched and kicked. I looked back and Beth and Rick were still at the table. Smiling?

They both looked at me as Charlie was dragging me up the stairs. He grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled me to my feet. 

"Let go of me!" He threw me over his shoulder. He didn't say anything he just continued to his bedroom.


Before I knew it I was laying on the bed and he walked to the dresser. I lunged towards him to get the key off his neck. He turned around and punched me in the stomach.


I hit the floor and grabbed my stomach. I couldn't feel my legs, it hurt so bad. He shoved a needle into my side and everything went black.

Charlie's POV

I shoved the needle into her arm and she went out cold. I removed the needle and set her onto the bed. After I tied her up I went back down stairs and sat down.

"Dad why were you so forward?" I looked at him.

"Because you wouldn't have told her so I had to."

"You scared her Rick." Dad shot a look at Mom.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that Elizabeth." That comment made Mom look down.

"Dad you can't talk to her like that." I looked at Dad furious.

"Charles I'm not dead yet so don't you dare talk to me like that." This made me mad.

I jumped out of my chair and went upstairs. I took of my shirt and laid down in bed. 

I cuddled Caroline. This is the only way she will behave well that I guess this is how she is going to be until she learns her lesson. I smiled and went to sleep.


I woke up and the clock blinked 8:35. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Caroline, she was still asleep due to the sedative. 

I got up out of bed and went downstairs. It smelt like meat. Dad and Mom were both sitting down chowing down on their plate of food. 

Mom looked up at me and she had a black eye. "Oh my god Mom are you okay?" I ran over to her. 

"Yea... Yes I'm fine," She smiled.

"You need to learn to man up and deal with your girl.' He looked up from his plate.

I didn't look at him I grabbed the two plates off of the counter and went back upstairs.

I shut the door and went back into the bed. I poked Caroline until she was awake.

She jumped back when she saw me. "I'm sorry." I looked up at her.

"You are a sick man Charlie you know that." 

I was trying to reach up to untie her and she flinched as I raised my hands. I untied the knot and she put her arms down.

I placed a plate of food onto her stomach.

She looked at me. "I'm not eating this." 

"Yes you are you will eat all of it or you will be punished."

She picked up the fork and shoved a piece of meat into her mouth. 

I took her plate when she was done. I set them onto the dresser and turned off the light.

I laid back into bed and Rolled over so my back was facing her.


Caroline's POV

I awoke to Charlie jumping out of bed and Rick yelling from down stairs. He looked worried. "Stay quiet." He yelled at me. I rubbed my eyes and tried to process what he said. 

I could hear faint talking as I approached the door.

"We have witnesses saying that they say you with him last." 

Whoever was here wasn't welcome, and they were going to be my way out. 

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