Chapter Twenty One

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I twisted my hair around my fingers. "It had gotten a lot longer." I thought to myself. I hopped up off the bed and did a quick room check. Everything was in the correct place so I walked out of the room.

As I walked down the hall to the stairs I dragged my hand along the wall. I lifted my hand off of the wall and it was covered in dirt and dust. I dusted my hand off on my clothes. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I went into the closet and grabbed a bucket and cleaning supplies.

I lifted the bucket up and set it up onto the counter and put a dollop of soap into the bucket and turned on the water to heat it up. I set the bucket in the sink and as I waited for the bucket to fill up I went digging around under the sink . as I reached the back I found a small old fashion radio.

I got up and set it down onto the table, I turned around and set the now full bucket onto the floor. I grabbed a mop out of the closet and dunked it into the bucket. I started moping the floor.

Charlie's  POV

We set the remainder of the bags into the back of the truck. I shut the back and Dad and I hoped into the truck and drove out of the parking lot. "Dad."

"Yes?" He glanced at me.

"The cops and everybody was looking for that kid I killed." dad struck me a look.

"What have I told you about risky kills?" He pulled off to the side of the rode.

"Charles, this could get us all caught!"

"I'm sorry, we took a chance and we messed up it wont happen again."

He didn't respond to me and just got back onto the rode. this was a painfully quiet drive. I didn't have the guts to talk to him. I was scared now because of my stupid mistake it could ruin everything that Dad has built.

We pulled up to the house and Dad and I got out. "I'm going to go feed the chickens. Dad grabbed the bags and I headed towards the barn. Dad went inside and I could see Marilyn peaking out the window.

I flashed a smile at her, she pulled away from the window and walked away. I thought about what I could do to prevent Dad and everybody else from getting caught. This was my mistake and I needed to fix it.

I reached the bard and grabbed a bucket. I opened up the tin with the chicken feed and filled the bucket. It had been a while since I personally fed them so I don't know if they are dead. I walked over to the pens that they were in and they were all dead.

I threw the bucket of feed and it smashed up against bard. The food flew everywhere, I smashed my fist into the barn and blood started dripping off of my hand.

I wiped it onto my shirt and knelt down and picked up a dead chicken. It was covered in maggots and ants. I quickly dropped it and ran into the barn to get a shovel.  I walked out a couple of yards and started to dig a hole.

After I was done a grabbed all of the chickens and threw them into the hole. I started shoveling the dirt back into the hole. After I finished refilling the hole, I sat down in the dirt and wiped my sweat on my bloody shirt.

"Hm, This isn't good." I stood up and walked over to Mom's grave. I knelt down and pulled a flower out of the ground and set it on her grave. I stood back up and headed towards the house.

As I got closer I realized how long I was out here. It felt like only an hour, well apparently I was wrong. I grabbed the key off of my neck and unlocked the door. As I pushed the door open Marilyn greets me with a smile.

After a second she realizes that my shirt is covered in blood and the wound on my hand. "Oh my god what happened?" She grabbed my hand and looked at it. "It's okay, I just fell."   

I sat down at the table and she handed me a wet rag and I wiped off my hand. "We should clean this up." I stood up and she followed me up the stairs. I walked into the bedroom and then the bathroom. I sat down on the edge of the tub and Marilyn sat on the toilet.

She grabbed the peroxide and a rag and started pouring it onto my hand. When she was done she wiped it clean an bandaged it up. "Thank you." I smiled and caressed her face.

We both stood up and went and I grabbed a new shirt. We headed  back down to the stairs.I sat down and greeted Dad. He didn't say anything just looked up from his book. Marilyn put all of the food onto the table. She put a plate in front of Her seat dad and mine.

I started shoveling food onto my plate and Dad did the same. I put food on Marilyn's plate and we all began to eat. After about 10 minutes Dad started talking about the food.

"This is amazing Marilyn." she looked up at him and smiled "Thank you." She took a bite.

We all finished up dinner and then Marilyn started cleaning up. she hugged and kissed me "I'll be up soon. I  went up to the bedroom and took off my shirt and shoes. I threw myself onto the bed. shortly after Marilyn came in and got undressed and put on one of my shirts.

She got under the covers and I turned towards her. She grabbed me and pulled herself closer to me. She put her face in my chest, I kissed her head.



Hello everybody!!

I apologize for the extremely late update. But the next update will be me reacting to hate comments. And let me tell you this THER IS ALOT! Come on am I that a bad a writer. Im just kidding but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Also my Mom jokingly wrote a paragraph here it is.

Onto the barrel of fish. But when I got there, there were no monkeys in sight. I have never felt more hollow. I remember when I was a baby, mother goose would hold my hair as I swan dived into the rolling sea of cat nip.

I don't know but it makes no sense lol.

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