Chapter Fifteen

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“Days Gone By”

Charles POV

I finally got back to the house and couldn’t wait until I got to hold Carline in my arms once again. I reached the porch and pulled the key off of my neck and opened the door. “Caroline, Mom?” I said taking off my boots and putting the key back around my neck. “Charles IN HERE.” Caroline yelped. 

“HURRY ITS”S BETH!” I dropped my boots and ran over to where I thought she was. There it was my worst nightmare my mom laying there lifeless next to Caroline. I dropped to my knees and asked Caroline what happened. She explained and I started to cry. How am I supposed to tell Dad he would be devastated?

I just sat there for hours with my dead mother and Caroline. Dreading the moment Dad would open that door. But it finally happened, I heard him open the door and hobble in with his cane. “Beth?” I got up and helped Caroline up we both went into the kitchen where he was sitting.

“Where is Beth?” He asked taking off his hat. He got up and went over to the coffee pot and started filling a cup with coffee. “What’s wrong? Why is nobody telling me where she is?” He looked me in the eye and stared.

“Dad, she’s in the living room, something happened.” He threw his cup of coffee onto the counter and sprinted over to the living room. He stopped at the arch way and stared at her lifeless body. Caroline and I walked behind him he walked out of the living room and Went upstairs about 5 minutes later. 


It’s been months and Dad rarely comes out of his room, he is extremely sick. I don’t allow Caroline to visit him, I don’t want her to get sick too. We have had to carry on life miserable and we haven’t told anybody else in the family that Mom is dead. It would kill them, I don’t have the courage.

Caroline’s POV

I looked in the dirty smudged mirror, I got really big since she passed, and Beth was all we ever talked about at dinned Beth and Rick. I sprayed the glass cleaner onto the mirror and started wiping it done. Chores we starting to get hard and Charles was getting really strict. 

He changed a lot, I miss the old him. While cleaning the bathroom I thought of cute baby names. Usually when Charles was gone I would get out my list and today I was going to show him the baby names I thought of. There was about 20 or so for each side Girls/Boys. That’s what I did when I got bored Just sat at the table and wrote. 

After I was done cleaning the bathroom I went into Charles bedroom and grabbed a book to read. “Lord of the Flies? Hm maybe I’ll read this.” I thought. I laid down in bed and got comfy and opened the book and read until Charles got home with dinner. 

I knew he was home when the front door swung open and you could hear screaming. “CAROLINE, I NEED YOUR HELP!” He yelled and I jumped out of bed. I walked down the stairs and he had in his arms a young girl about 15 in his arms. “Charles she so young!” I looked him dead in the eyes and walked over to him. The girl was kicking and screaming. 

“LET GO OF ME!” She yelped. “Go get the basement ready please. I turned and walked over to the basement door and Charles followed me. I went down before him and he followed. He threw her over his shoulder and set her onto the table. 

Before I could get the rope He slit her throat. That sight made me sick, I threw up all over the floor. I regret doing it but I couldn’t help it.

"Caroline? Are you okay?" He asked setting down the blade and walking over to me. A sharp pain shot up my back, I fell to my side.

Charles grabbed my head before it hit the floor. "What happened?!"

"The baby, it's coming!"

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