Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Indigo Pov

The sun shines through the wooden blinds and onto my face. I slowly flicker open my eyes. The sound of birds chirping plays a song in the distance. I sit up and stretch my arms out to my sides and yawn, showing my pointed teeth. I squint at the clock and it reads 6:30 Am. On top of the digital numbers is the date. February 18.

I hear my door knob click as it turns counterclockwise. I look over to see Ash walking into my room.

“Happy birthday!” He chimes grinning his perfect smile. He sits down next to me, the mattress sinking a little bit under his weight. He leans in and kisses me.

“Thanks.” I giggle.

“I got you a little something.” He says with his voice dripping like honey. He smiles cheekily and leans in to kiss me again. When he pulls away, he pulls up a brown paper bag with yellow tissue paper with black stars over it.

I carefully pull out the tissue paper not wanting to rip it. I dig my hand into the bag and pull out a box with a bottle of perfume in it. The bottle is round and red with the cap twisting up into the shape of a heart. It smells like rose and sandalwood.

“You know me so well. I love this scent.” Is say to him. I then reach in to pull out a green envelope with the words ‘ Indie’ written in fancy writing.

“How long did it take you to write this?” I say playfully.

“Oh, about a day.” He says. I laugh.

I open the envelope and I pull out two movie tickets to see The Grudge in the movie theatre nearest to our flat.

“I am guessing this is for me and you?” I smirk.

“I thought that last movie was fun.” He says raising his eyebrows up and down. We went to see another scary movie that night, we didn’t get scared, we found it quite funny. We also snogged through half the movie as well.

“ Saturday at eight at night.” He says.

“Thanks.” I replied before embracing myself into another kiss.

Suddenly there is a flash of light and the sound of a camera. We pull away and I hear Andrea laughing her head off.

“This is going into the photo album with the caption of ‘ Indigo's first moment when nineteen’” She continues laughing. Andy’s wing stumps haven't been trimmed in a while so they look like baby dragon wings now. They'll take ages to grow as her human gene overpowers the dragon one when it comes to wings. But they are on their way to fully grown.

“You little  snitch!” I joke,laughing at the end.

“Happy birthday Indie.” She says, with tears from laughter in her eyes.

“Yeah,  Happy birthday!” I hear Matthew say as he walks in through the door.

They both place a present in front of me. I open Andy’s first. It’s wrapped in newspaper articles about the charity donations. I open the box to find a pair of All Stars Hi black Converse, a grey crop top with the number 93 printed in black and two black stripes on the end of the sleeves, and a necklace with the gemstone Jade on the end.

“Thanks so much!” I say to Andy as I hug her.”How did you know that I wanted this?” I question her.

“Easy on my arm! I just got stitches, and they don’t need to be any deeper! And a girl knows a girls.” She shrugs.

“Well you sure know that girl well.” I say chuckling.

“That’s what you are going to wear when we go down to the beach to get a smoothie. My treat.” She says smiling.

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