Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Indigo POV

As we leave the Smoothie Shack, a mob of mothers give us disapproving looks, most of them at Andy. But she doesn’t seem to mind. She just glares at them. I find it quite mean, but I guess thats her.

The sun is blazing so hot. As we walk along the beach, the glistening water calls to us. Waves pound against the shore and beautiful swells are everywhere.

Once we get back home, I slip on my purple and black ruffled bikini and grab my read and white surfboard with a picture of a  black hawk in the middle. I slip a white towel over my neck.

“Anyone up for a few waves!” I yell from the kitchen.

“Yup sure.” Ash says emerging from his room wearing  blue and black boards shorts with a white towel draped around his neck. He grabs his blue surfboard with mine and his handprint in white off the rack.

Andy appears with a green and blue polkadot bikini. A light blue towel looks like skirt around her waist. She grabs a cream board with hawaiian flower on it. She grins. It’s her favourite board.

Matthew appears in red board shorts, and has a black towel crumpled in his hand. He gets the only board left- a jet black one with fake graffiti scrawled on it.

“Andy and I will come!” Matthew says.

We all run into the ocean with the boards under our right arm. I leap into the air, transferring the board under me. I land and the water splashes up around me, creating a force field. I paddle out to the swells. I look behind me to see the others have followed my example. Andy flashes me a green smile. It’s actually her mouth guard. Salt water isn’t good for dragon consumption. It extinguishes their fire breathing part in their lungs, then the lungs slowly die. Thank god for mouth guards. I sit on the end of my board with it between my legs as I wait for the other to catch up. First arrives Ash. Then comes Andy and Matthew together.

“May the best man win!” Ash says before paddling to the coming wave.

We alway do competitions.

“You mean woman!” Andy and I shout at him playfully.

I start to paddle and I beat him to the wave. I turn on my board and start to paddle quickly as the wave pulls me into it. When I feel the wave thrust me forward, I push on my arms and stand up riding the wave parallel to shore. I go to the top of the wave and swivel on my back foot to do a turn. I then do a series of re entries before the wave crashes on top of me. My friends cheer.

“Seven!” Says Andy

“Eight!” Cheers Matthew.

“Seven and a half!” Shouts Ash.

I paddle up to them. We lie down on our boards while we wait for the next wave.

“Rock paper scissors for who gets to ride the next wave?” I say to them. We all sit up and face the middle of our circle.

“Rock, Paper Scissors!” I shout. I am not participating as I got the last one. Matthew puts down scissors, Andy puts down a rock as well as Ash.

“Ok Matt, you get the last wave.” I say to him.

I watch the others say the chant at the same time. Ash puts down scissors while Andy puts down paper.

“Ok As you get this wave and Andrea you get the one behind it.” I say pointing to a huge swell.

All of us paddle towards the wave. I duck dive under it and so does Matthew. Andy paddles over the top of it.

“Duck diving puts a lot of pressure on my arm.” She says when Matthew and I come up from under the wave. He nods to Andy while I turn to watch Ash. Ash stands up on his board, teetering at first but then zooming. I watch as Ash does snapbacks and reentries before the wave topples over him.

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