Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Andrea POV

I walk through the town with Mathew hands in hands. I can see Ash and Indigo doing the same. The road feels hot on my bare feet and they hurt from jumping on the rough tree branches. My throat is dry from the lack of water. I can feel my knees become weak and Matthew has to catch me as I begin to slump to the ground.

"We're almost there, Andy." he says. He bends down to kiss me but it isn't as pleasing as it could be as both of our lips are dry and chapped.

"Guys!Look!" Indigo points to a booth. All I can see is a blurry black blob due to the heat waves, but I know what it is.

A payphone booth.

With all our strength we run towards the structure.

We cram ourselves inside. I grab the phone and hold it to my ear but all I hear is a dead phone line. I punch the buttons but no sounds comes.

We need money.

"We need two dollars." I mutter, the hope draining.Everyone groans. We walk out of the booth and sit on a curb. Stretching out our feet.  Dirt cakes up along our limbs. Our hair is scraggly and a complete mess. My teeth feel disgusting. You could look a us and turn away,thinking we are a bunch of homeless kids that spent all of their money on tattoos and surgery to look like animals.

Suddenly a little girl comes and drops two dollars at out feet.

"I wonder what's it's like to be broke. Must be horrible.And I like your costumes"She says with a smile.She must of seen us in at the payphone.I am about to growl at the remark of being broke but Indigo nudges me and picks up the two dollars. She gives me an ecstatic smile and  runs to the payphone. Hope rises in me again and I run to the payphone after Indigo,the others are behind me.

"Hello? Is Jacob there?" Indigo says.

"Yes who is this?" I hear a voice say.

"It’s Andrea and Indigo where are you!"I shout unable to control myself.

"You guys? Help! Greenfield-"He pleads. Shouting floods out his words at the end so we couldn’t hear them.

“Jacob?” Indigo asks,scaredly. Suddenly the phone lines drops dead.I look over at Indigo with fear in my eyes. We run out to Matthew and Ash.

"What did he say?" ash asks me.

"Greenfield did something to him. He needs our help.” Indigo and I say at the sametime.You can hear the fear in our voices.

“Then we better start moving” Matthew replies.

“And fast.” Ash adds.

End of book 2

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