Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Matthew POV

Pain shoots through my body when the staff touches my skin. Chantelle has a wicked grin on her face as I scream. My muscles ache and I can feel my body straining. I can see Ash across from me with anger in his eyes,but pain explodes across his face as Josh jabs him with the staff.

I can feel myself getting weaker with every jolt of electricity. I can feel my head hanging lower and lower.

“Where’s Andrea? Has she forgot about you? Surely they would be here by now.” Chantelle smirks.

“They’re coming. They’ll come and get us and there will be nothing you can do about it.” I manage to say.

“Try me.” Chantelle says with her face up in mine i can feel her hot minty breath circling my nose. I spit on her face.She gasp in disgust then she prods me again. My body completely goes limp and I can’t feel anything anymore as darkness floods my eyesight.

Andrea POV

I watch helpless as Matthew falls limp from that last shock. I growl. My muscles start to strain as I slowly break off the bars. Then Indigo kicks her right foot into the glass which shatters into a million tiny pieces. Chantelle and the other guy are having too much fun to notice us. I smile. I sneak behind chantele. No one hears me, and their backs are both facing away from us. Matthew looks up with his remaining strength, and sees me. He tries to look defeated, but his tail is wagging on instinct.

“Why are you so happy?” Chantelle snarls.

“Guess” I say, putting her in a headlock. I turn and see Indigo holding the mystery guy in a headlock too.

“Do you want to this the easy way or the painful way? Rani, close and lock the door” Indigo demands. Rani  quickly follows her orders.

Chantelle starts to move her skinny arm upwards, but i stop her easily. She grins, and taps on her watch. I am too late to stop her pressing call.

“Run” I call to Indie, dropping Chantelle on the floor. I use my pure strength to snap the chains that bound Matthew to the floor. I run over to Indigo who is struggling to break the thick chains. Suddenly the mystery guy lunges at Indigo.His wild blonde hair wrapped around his head. He grabs Indigo’s arms and twists it once. Another twist and It will be broken.He laughs with his hazel eyes showing a wild beast inside of him.


“I’ll break her arm like that.” He smirks. I stand there frozen, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, Indigo punches Josh with her free arms in the stomach He lets go of her arm at doubles over. Then in one quick motion she knees him in the groin and does spin kick in the air to the side of his head. He goes crashing to the floor unconscious.

“Nice.” I manage to say then breaking into a smile. I never knew she could fight that well.

“Holy shit!” I hear Ash say. I forgot he was there. I turn to him and rip of the chains like I did to Matthew. I then run back to Chantelle.

“The experiments have come. Bring all forces to torture chamber #3!” She yells into the mic. I dive on top of her and smash my fist on the top of her wrist,breaking the plastic watch.

“Get off me you mangy lizard” She shrieks scratching at my arms.

“Let’s go” Matthew shouts. We all rush to the window. Rani goes first, then Matthew, then Ash, then Indigo. I follow, but before I can jump, something grabs my ankle.

“Not so fast” Chantelle cackles. I slap her and try to get free. She squeals like an injured bird.I see Chantelle’s eyes narrow, and glow red.

“Oh great!” I cry. Chantelles nails grow longer, and turn from white to blood red. Her hair turns green, and a long tail appears where her legs used to be. Her eyes are slits, and a forked tongue pokes out of her purple lips. Fangs slide down from her mouth.

“I am a morphite as well. The first one Greenfield ever made. I am mixed with the saw scaled viper. It’s species have killed the most people out of all of snake kind.” She laughs. Her blood red nails dig deeper into my skin.

Matthew POV

“Andrea” I call up to the window.

“Chantelle...Snake...Experiment...Run...” Is all I can hear back.

“What does she mean?” Ash inquires me.

I shrug. “I think Chantelle ordered for a snake morphite. Andy might be trapped in there with her!” I try to climb up to the window, but I don’t have the strength.

“You are too weak from torture. We have to go” says the dinosaur girl that Indigo called Rani.

“Not without Andrea” I argue, determination vivid in my voice.

“I’ll save her” Indigo volunteers.

“You can’t I don’t want to lose you.” Ash interjects.

“I have to” Indie replies, She turns to me and gives me a kiss, then she starts to climb the wall.

Chantelle pov

No matter how much she struggles and screams, I stop the dragon before she reaches the window.

“I don’t think so” I snarl, as my sharp nails dig into her vulnerable flesh.Blood starts squirting out. I  hear footsteps approaching, and I smile.

“Looks like we have company.” I sneer. Andrea looks helpless. A shuffling outside distracts me from the pest. She kicks into my stomach and I double over in pain. I look up and see Indigo leap through the window.

“Indie! Look out! She’s-” Andrea starts before I wrap my arm around her neck.

“One more move and she dies” I cry.

“Andy!” Indigo shouts. The footsteps become louder every second. I sneer and bear my sharp fangs at her.  Indigo flashes her sharp teeth,  but they’re nothing compared to mine. She starts to hiss like a cat and she takes a step closer. I jerk my arms slightly.

“I mean it.” I growl. Indigo stops and looks around for a way to free Andrea, but there is nothing.

“Stand back!”I hear one of the controllers say. I turn around to meet his face and he is holding staff. But I then realized that was a stupid move. Before I know it, I see Indigo do a sweep kick by my feet and it send me crashing to the floor. She squeezes my wrist and I cry in agony and she puts pressure on the pressure point. She then knees my in the rib cage. She punches me in the temple and everything turns black.

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