Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Matthew POV

I wake up. I didn’t notice I was asleep. I feel Ash struggling behind me. I bite at the gag around my mouth. My teeth finally get a grip. I rip it off viciously. I take several deep breaths before speaking.

“Are you ok?” I ask Ash. He says something, but his gag is muffling his voice. “Tap your foot once for yes, twice for no. Ok?”

I can’t turn, but I hear a tap on the tiled floor. “To get off the gag, bite it with your teeth and rip it. ” A rip echoes through the small room.

“Matthew? Where are we?” He asks me.

“I don’t know, but it has Greenfield written all over it.” A wave of realization washes over me. “Did they get Andrea?”

“I think she and Indigo jumped out the window, but I’m not sure. I hope they’re alright.”

“Me too”

The sharp scent of Air de Consuer attacks my nostrils. I growl. Ash does the same. A doorway opens in the wall in front of me. Chantelle sashays in, grinning evilly. A red cocktail dress hugs her figure, and a matching pair of stilettos cover her feet. Her teeth are porcelain white behind her light pink lips.

“We have arrived at Greenfield, your home sweet home” she cackles like a hyena.

“What did you do to Andrea?” I snarl, baring my teeth.

“And Indigo?” Ash demands, his back to Chantelle.

“Unfortunately, the little brats slipped through my fingers. But we will get them” She answers.

“They won’t fall for any of your tricks. They’re smarter than that.” Ash pronounces.

“But what would they do if their true loves were in danger?” she snaps. “Would they sit back, or attempt to rescue you?”

I look at the floor, knowing she’s right.

“Until we meet again, my little prisoners.” she she says, her long blonde hair going through the door. It automatically closes behind her. A screen lowers down from the roof on our left. Chantelles rears her ugly head. “I have a little gift for you. But don’t bother trying to escape. And the magnetics bands? They are attached to your nerves. So if you try to take them off, it will hurt like hell.” Her pedicured hand presses a button on a small remote, and our restraints are released. I cautiously stand. I turn and see Ash doing the same. I charge at where the door appeared.

I slam myself against the glass door, but it doesn’t brake. It knocks the wind out of me and I crumple to the floor.

“Bullet and shatterproof glass.” I hear Chantelle’s voice over a speaker. “It’s unbreakable”

“I hate you!” I yell.

“Oh hate is such a strong word.” She smirks.

I clutch my stomach, struggling to take deep breaths. Ash runs to me.

“You ok?” He asks. I nod and slowly get up.

Ash leaves my side and runs towards the door. Somehow, he manages to get claws and he drags them across the glass surface. It screeches like a rusted knife. He keeps doing it, thrashing away pieces of glass.

Suddenly out of no where, some sort of canister flies out and Ash and hits him in the spine. He collapses to the floor, gasping in pain. White smoke emits from the canister.

“Play dead, Matthew.” I hear Chantelle’s voice. The smoke invades my nose and I black out.

Indigo POV

I stare up at the stary sky from the tree’s canopy. I can’t sleep. It pains me to think about what they might be doing to Ash. I know they are using them as bait to get us to Greenfield. And it’s working. I just don’t want anything to happen to him and Matthew. Andrea and I are the ones who made them come with us.

I hear a low whimper coming from my right.


“Hey, you ok?” I whisper to her. I can see that her eyes are glossy, but she does not release a single tear. I know what she is thinking about. She nods.

“Yeah. It’s just that...I am afraid for Matthew.” She whispers back.

“You ok?” She asks me.

“No” I admit. Andy gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

“We will find them. Don’t worry.”

“That is what I am not ok about. I know we will find them, but then what? How will we escape from Greenfield again?”

“Well, we have an invincible dinosaur, an amazing dragon and the worlds toughest tiger. Three of Greenfields deadliest experiments. We all have intelligence chips. We will find a way to outsmart them and slip through their fingers.”

“I guess” I sigh.

“Be strong” she tells me, giving me a sad smile.

I undo the vines around my waist. I stand up in my fork and scale higher up the tree. I emerge from the rooftop of leaves and stare out at the vast area around me. A breeze runs through my hair, refreshing me as almost as if it is taking my troubles with it. The moonlight dances like a fine mist around the forest. I reach into my pocket and pull out the Amethyst. I close my eyes and breath in.

“Be strong” I whisper to myself.

If only it was that simple.

Rani POV

I heard everything. I feel really bad for them. It’s almost as if their group is all they have left in life.

I watch Indigo through a gap in the leaves. She loves nature, I can tell. But what is she whispering? I can’t make it out. I watch as she takes out something from her pocket and holds it in her fist. A small rock or something like that.

“I know you’re awake.” I hear Andrea say. The voice startles me and I jerk forward, almost falling off my fork.

‘How did you know?” I ask, mystified.

“You stopped snoring” She says. Oh.

“Do I really snore?!” I ask. Nobody’s heard me sleep since I’ve been in top secret areas.

“Yes. Loudly” I hear her say.

There is a long silence between us.

“So, what’s going on with Indie?” I ask. I can feel Andrea’s breath tense.

“Her name is Indigo.” She say through gritted teeth.

“Sorry.” I say meekly. I don’t get it, they call each other nicknames but I can’t.

“Indigo is just having a hard time with the situation we are in.” She says coldly. I nod.

“She really likes nature.” I say, watching Indigo fiddling with a flower from the tree.

“She keeps to herself a lot. She’s a very cautious person.”

“Unlike you.” I smirk.

“I like to express myself and who ever likes me, likes me.”

“By the way you talk about Matthew, I presume he likes you.” I say. She takes a while to respond.

“Go to sleep.” She growls, avoiding my comment about Matthew.

“Ok, Good night.” I say. I get no reply back.

Andrea POV

I don’t like the way she tries to make us talk about our relationships. It’s not her life. Not her deal. It’s my problem. She should keep her distance.

I turn on my side so my back is facing Rani. I do a short whistle. Almost instantly, Indie hops back down to her fork.

“Good night.” I say to her.

“Good night.” She replies.

I close my eyes and wait for sleep to overtake me.

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