Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Rani POV

I see them running towards me at full pelt.

“We gotta go!” Andrea shouts to me.

“But you haven't eaten.” I say.

“Throw me an apple,please.” She says. I am shocked, she said please to me. I throw her an apple.

“Thanks.” She chimes. I look at Indigo and she nods. She sorted her out. Thank God!

We start running North with me in front, Andrea in the middle and Indigo in the back. Indigo is in the back to help us maintain our speed. I start to feel myself slow down. My breath gets trapped in my throat and I start to choke. Sweat streams down my face.

“Water. Please.” I croak, holding my throat. Andrea hands me a shell of sterilized water. I take six little sips to make sure there is enough for the others. When the cool liquid runs down my throat, I feel instantly better.

“Thanks.” I mumble.

“Are you ok?” Andrea aks me.

“Can we please have a break?” I whine. Andrea looks at Indigo, who is not tired at all. How? Indigo shrugs.

“I’m fine, but it’s up to you guys.” She says. I nod and look at Andrea,beads of sweat line her hairline.

“Ten minutes.” Andrea says as she plucks a mango of a nearby tree and sits down on the dirt floor.

Indigo walks over to the tree by Andrea and picks two mangos. One ripe and one slightly under ripe.She throws me the ripe one.

“I like mine slightly under.” Indigo says as she takes her nail and pierces the mango’s skin. She then strips the skin off, relieving a yellow inside. She puts her face to the mango and starts eating like an animal. I can see Andrea is eating the same way with hers. I copy their actions.

“So how far to Greenfield?” Andrea asks me with a mouthful of mago.

“About half an hour, if we walk.” I say clearly urging on the walking.

“How about we walk for twenty five minutes and run the rest?” Indigo offers.

“Ok,fine.” I accept.

Matthew POV

I am slowly fading into the real world,shivering from what I just experienced. I can see Ash on the opposite wall. He is in Overload, but the metal bands around our arms prevent the urge to destruct things physically. He keeps shouting out Indigo’s name and threats towards Josh. I then notice the same metal band around his neck. I hate Chantelle. Ash is suffering from his worst nightmare like I was. I can still vividly remember it.

Andrea and I were taking a walk in a forest, when suddenly she trips from her high heel. Her wound on her arm reopened and a bone punctured the main artery, causing severe internal bleeding. She looked up at me, a look of sheer terror etched on her pale face.

“AAAH” she screamed, then she started to run, blood pouring from her wound.

“Andrea, wait” I called out to her. She ran faster and faster..

“Stay away from me, you monster” she snarled, reaching the end of the woods. I saw a huge cliff coming up.

“Andrea! No! Andrea!” I shouted to her. She stood on the edge of the drop, looking up at me with horrified eyes.

“Stay back!” She demanded, shaking. “I hate you!”

“Andrea.” I say, tears prickled my eyes. I felt myself going Overload.

“AAAH” she screamed, as I started to run at her. I try to stop but I can’t. I was powerless as I attacked her. My teeth ripped through the flesh on her throat, causing blood to enter my mouth. She wheezed heavily and choked on her own blood which was bubbling up in her mouth.

“Matthew” she whispered on her final breath, then she faded away.

“Andrea! Andrea! No!” I cried, kneeling on the ground next to her lifeless body. Chantelle cackled through the air. “Looks like the big bad wolf finally got little red riding hood” I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek as an invisible force slaps my face. Suddenly I was transported to a fancy restaurant. Everyone was staring and pointing at me. I see my shirt was is torn and blood was dripping from my mouth. Andrea’s blood. I growled, then ran out of the diner. I see a fleet of all my friends from Greenfield, including Indigo and Ash.

“What are you doing here?” I said, but they ignored my question.

“Murderer!” Ash screamed at me. Indigo is crying and is holding a picture of Andrea in her hands. All the experiments start to chase me.

It was then I woke up from the nightmare.

Now I am staring at Ash, suffering from a different dream.

“You’re awake.” I hear Chantelle’s voice echo through the room.“You have survived the first stage of your long torture.” I hear her smirk. ”Would you like to see Ash’s dream?”

“No, you monster!” I yell aimlessly into the room. Suddenly a screen floats down in front of me. I can see Ash running through a dark forest screaming Indigo’s name. Indigo is calling for him to help her, but he can’t find her. I hear wolves howl in the background and Ash sees a trail of blood leading deeper into the woods. He starts to frantically follow it. I can hear the sound of Josh laughing while Indigo screams again. Ash swears. He continues to follow the trail of blood. He soon reached a clearing where Indigo is lying on the ground her head has a massive dent caved into the side. Blood pours from head and she looks very pale. Her lips are pursed together.Josh is sitting next to her, smiling as he stokes Indigo’s head with his right hand. The other hand is on Indigo’s thigh with a knife.

“She is a pretty one is she?” Josh smirks.

“What did you do to her?!” Ash screams.

“We just had a little fun.” Josh says, bending  down to press his lips against Indigo’s. This makes Ash infuriated. He lunges at Josh to sink his claws into his heart but Josh moves out of the way. Instead Ash’s claws dig into Joshes right shoulder, This makes Josh turn into Overload. Josh takes his claws and buries them in Ashes left eyeball. Josh rips his claws out carrying the eye with him.Blood spews out from Ash’s socket and a tangled mess of veins and nerves fall limply down his cheek I try to look away but I can’t. Then Josh takes the knife and plunges it into his heart. There is a gasp before the screen turns black and Ash wakes up.

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